View Full Version : Having panic attacks whilst driving

02-04-10, 17:14
Panic attacks are very unpredictable i have found. They stopped all together and then Bam!
Today i was driving to see family when all i could do was hold on to my chest. The feelings that got me years ago have started to come back. I have a manual car and found it hard to let go just to change gear. Its put me off for a bit driving. Its happened a few times now and i feel its not worth it.
Soon as i walked into my house, my wife and 2 sons were there and it lifted. I am wound up that they are starting to creep back in. I have always had the fight or flight and usually i go for the fight' but not yet.
Has anybody had them whilst driving? Its awful
Daz :huh:

02-04-10, 17:57
I once refused to drive for about 5 months, many years ago, as was terrified. I have felt PAs when driving, not often, but now and again. The last time it happened was when I was driving urgently to my ill Dad. I have to say that I have only had to pull over once, as it became clear to me that the act of driving focused me away from them and my driving behaviour wasn't altered in any way (my husband told me so !) Unfortunately you may now be associating getting in the car with panic attacks, rather like some people can't/won't go into the supermarket, you are concerned about the car and it could trigger them. Could you build up your confidence again quite quickly, by going for a little drive down a country lane, so that you don't avoid the situation ?

02-04-10, 19:02
yeah I totally understand I quite often get them driving - I have been sat on a motorway embankment in the past because I had to pull over but generally speaking they dont get that bad. As someone else posted here the act of concentrating on driving pulls your mind away from them. I think sometimes when you are driving your mind tends to wander and thats why it happens.

02-04-10, 19:03
I can relate to what you've said as I get them too while driving. It can be very horrible sometimes, mind I'm not so bad if I am in an area I know, I think I have some sort of comfort zone, I don't drive more than about 20 miles from home.

It's kinda funny, I've been driving just over two years, and I remember when I passed I was doing 100's of miles a week, but now I only drive when I need to. If I'm going out to see a friend, or going to do some shopping, or draw some money out, thats the only time I use the car.

I'm driving my fathers car which is an 09 plated Colt, very worried about crashing it to or putting a mark on it, £350 insurance excess!! Ouch!!

I love what Cary has said, you could pick your confidence up slowly. Go for a little drive, just not to far and gradually ease yourself back into it.


26 lee
02-04-10, 23:27
i understand what you all saying i have had a few panic attacks while driving. when in the middle of one i find it very hard to concentrate which is very dangerous and i tend to speed to get to where i need to be, but you might laugh but a great thin i have found that really work is to make sure you have a song that you really like turn it up and sing to the top of your voice it really does make you feel good :yesyes:

02-04-10, 23:53
Exciting I have found someone with the same problems as I. This is the very reason why I have joined this website. I started Pa's back in 2006 driving across the Humber Bridge. Now I find it very difficult to drive anywhere that involves bridges and water or outside of town. I feel like I am going to drive right over the edge of the road. The panic attacks are terrifying and so scary. I feel like I am going to faint. What makes it worse is the fact your are in control of machine which maybe is part of the problem. I desperately want to get away from this. Please keep me posted on how you are doing and vice versa. I only joined today

03-04-10, 11:26
Yes. I sing and pray and it does work. Sadly i seem to put my foot down as well to get home.

16-09-10, 21:46
I actually joined today as a result of these. I've just broken down in tears as I was too scared to get into my car to go and collect my son and had to wake my husband up (he works at night) to do it. They only started 4 days ago -I haven't had attacks in about 12 years and I only get them when driving (or thinking about it like now) I just need to know they will go away. I can't do my job without driving and now I'm in a complete cycle of panic every time I even think about drving.

16-09-10, 22:32
You have to face your fear. A lot of the illness is down to confidence. I''m 99% there now, but was in the same boat with driving and so many other situations. You have to face it head on. Don't let it beat you!

I actually joined today as a result of these. I've just broken down in tears as I was too scared to get into my car to go and collect my son and had to wake my husband up (he works at night) to do it. They only started 4 days ago -I haven't had attacks in about 12 years and I only get them when driving (or thinking about it like now) I just need to know they will go away. I can't do my job without driving and now I'm in a complete cycle of panic every time I even think about drving.

17-09-10, 16:13
I had a bad problem with this for a while. What I found really helps is getting books on CD and listening to those while I drive. It distracts my mind just enough that I don't feel the panic and anxiety creep in.