View Full Version : Head Zaps/Rushes & Head Feels Like It's Gonna Wobble Off!!

Peter Pan'ic
02-04-10, 19:00

Wish I found this site years ago rather than thinking I'm a complete freak of nature.

Anyway, after countless CBT sessions and hours of the magic leather recliner...I think i've almost cracked it......Good times!!!

Been gradually reducing my Citalapram dosage from 40mg to zero and generally feel OK apart from constant head zaps and perculiar noises in my ear (NOT VOICES!!) like a whoosing water effect. If this happend 2 years ago I'd be trying to convince my doctor or A&E that I have some extreamly serious condition that all their fancy machines could not locate......bad times!!!

Does anyone know how long these fekka's last or reccomend some alternative remedy other than another tablet than could take months to wean me off???


02-04-10, 19:01
Hi Peter Pan'ic

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

02-04-10, 21:20
Hi Peter,

I had those horrible zaps, recently. I had to come off citalopram in 1 week to go onto mirtazipine, as I was off work and had been for 4 months my GP tapered me down from 40mg-omg in 1 week!! Horrible, the zaps were not just in my head but right through my body from head to toe and constant 24 7. By 3 weeks they had pretty much gone but I still had the occasional one, I couldnt of worked with those plus I had the added side effects from the new meds to deal with.

Anyhow, they will pass but just takes time. The slower you wean off the less likely you are too suffer. I have previously tapered myself off citalopram at a very slow rate and not experienced them at all but when I say slowly I mean over a period of around 3 months and a very slight drop each time.

Hope this helps.

Good luck. Jo.

02-04-10, 22:08
Hi and :welcome:to NMP Peter .Have a read of the articles on the main menu .Im sure you will find this site helpful and supportive .There is a lot of useful information with regard to alternative treatments .Hope you find something that helps .Luv Sue x

Peter Pan'ic
03-04-10, 09:47
Thanks for your comments Jo which were very helpfull, just knowing that I'm not the only sufferer is a tonic in itself...

Must admit that the Zaps wobble my head and chest/heart which sets the mind racing & imagining all sorts of unpleasant senario's......luckily I deal much better and can usually reign myself back to a steady level within a minute or two.

My initial attack happened at my work station and luckily the Director's agreed that I was being pushed too hard, gave me almost 18 months on full pay & paid for every treatment that was deemed appropriate. If only all organisations shared the same ethos in relation to this condition.

Agree time is the key together with tlc from the loved ones.

Enjoy the weekend!!


Hi Peter,

I had those horrible zaps, recently. I had to come off citalopram in 1 week to go onto mirtazipine, as I was off work and had been for 4 months my GP tapered me down from 40mg-omg in 1 week!! Horrible, the zaps were not just in my head but right through my body from head to toe and constant 24 7. By 3 weeks they had pretty much gone but I still had the occasional one, I couldnt of worked with those plus I had the added side effects from the new meds to deal with.

Anyhow, they will pass but just takes time. The slower you wean off the less likely you are too suffer. I have previously tapered myself off citalopram at a very slow rate and not experienced them at all but when I say slowly I mean over a period of around 3 months and a very slight drop each time.

Hope this helps.

Good luck. Jo.

Vanilla Sky
03-04-10, 22:33
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x