View Full Version : New Member Looking for Help

02-04-10, 19:39

I’m a 40 year old man. I don’t have an official diagnosis of social anxiety but I’ve always found it difficult to talk to people. I also feel depressed and anxious a lot of the time.

I have tried therapy in the past but it’s not worked. I think it’s up to me now to learn how to make friends and I hope this forum can help.


02-04-10, 19:41
Hi shyoldguy

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

02-04-10, 19:54
Hi there

Welcome along to NMP :)

We are a friendly bunch so please feel at ease here.
You will get lots oh advice and support here.


02-04-10, 20:11
Hi and welcome to NMP!

Hope you find the forum useful and enjoy your stay here.

Veronica H
02-04-10, 21:18
:ohmy: Your not old...I'm 51 going on 18 :)!:welcome:to NMP. This is a friendly site with great information and support. Glad that you have found us.


02-04-10, 21:23
Hi I agree with Veronica you not old...I read it and thought omg I am 46 and dont feel a day over 30!! Lol!!

Anyhow you wont be lonely now you've joined nmp, lots of caring helpful people on here who know how you are feeling and some of the threads are a real laugh too!! Just what the doctor ordered.

Welcome and hope you enjoy the forum.
