View Full Version : I've got company!

02-04-10, 22:51
Hi everyone

I'm a new member. Found this site tonight due to a tele programme! It's a relief to find that I'm not alone as I'd thought - I've been dealing with this monkey on my back for the last 40 years. Looking forward to finding my way around the site = hopefully it will help.

(Next day) I'm finding it difficult to tell my story, I've spent so long avoiding the issue. Over the years, I sought medical help, but in the 70's, trying to explain to the Doctor - you could almost see the bubble appear over their heads! (another neurotic woman!).

I've been isolated by this thing for so long - please bear with me. Once I find my way around the site (i'm new to this stuff), I'm looking forward to talking to all of you.

02-04-10, 22:53
Hi jaxh

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

02-04-10, 22:58
Hi and :welcome: aboard.

Can I ask which TV programme you were watching?

Hope you get loads of support on here.

02-04-10, 23:10
HI and a big :welcome:..To NMP ..SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG ...luv Sue xxx:hugs:

02-04-10, 23:13
Hi Nicola - I'm Jacqui

Re the tele programme - it was Embarrasing Bodies of all things - last thing I expected was for this subject to come up, but I'm so glad it did. I've been alone with this for a long time now.

02-04-10, 23:14
Oh did you google for something then and find us?

03-04-10, 17:01
Hi Jax,

Welcome to nmp...lots of help and advice here from some really lovely caring people. I found the site by accident searching for the meds I take and have never looked back it has helped me so much and gives you the chance to help others to which is very satisfying. Good luck on your journey.


03-04-10, 17:31
Hello and welcome :) I hope you can find your way around the site, nice to meet you


margaret jones
03-04-10, 19:33
Hi i saw that prog about the girl suffering post natal depression and anxiety/panic attacks it was good to highlight this in a popular prog also 1 of the dr was made to suffer a panic attack and her reaction was classic and in my opinion will hopefully make people realise what a panic attack feels like .

This site i feel has been my helping hand almost daily i am sure you will find lots of help on nmp