View Full Version : Hi to all my new friends!!

02-04-10, 23:38
I am a new member. My name is Julia and I am 33 years old. I have suffered with panic attacks since 1998 but for different reasons. Whilst I was doing my nurse training back in 1998 I started feeling these overwhelming feelings of depression and sadness. Looking back I think it was been constantly surrounded by death. I had my first panic attack on a Thursday night back in April 1998. I had been worrying at the time I might be pregnant. One night I was sat on my bed and I started getting the feeling I was having a heart attack. I had never experienced the feeling before. I remembered feeling absolutely terrified. I went downstairs and asked my Mum to call an ambulance as I believed I was having a heart attack, which she did. Anyway they realised I was having a panic attack and did an ECG on me which discovered I had an heart mummurh. They gave me info on how to deal with a panic attack but that was it. I went on suffering for another couple of years. I developed an obsession that I was dying and meant many a sleepless night thinking about it. My life was hell. After a pill check I broke down on the nurse and she recognised straight away I was suffering from severe depression and I saw a GP then and there. She prescribed me medication and emergency counselling. I felt much better within weeks and continued to do well with my nursing and sickness days were reducing. A year later I was taken off my medication and within a few months I was back to square one. Back on the tablets and then back to counselling. I remember at the time I was obsessed with HIV as I had a colourful past and this became a new obsession. To move on a few years I met a new partner and felt alive. I had left nursing behind and my old life. For once I felt 18 again. After 2 years together we had a son but during the cause of the birth I became gravely ill and nearly passed away which had a traumatic effect on me. I started suffering from obsessive thoughts that my husband was having an affair and that he preferred anyone to me. I was diagnosed with post natal depression and but back on Citalpram. After a week of the medication, my mum and I went over the Humber Bridge to Beverly for a day out with my 3 month old son. After 10 seconds of driving on the bridge I had a massive panic attack that I was going to drive straight over the edge. This was the beginning. At first I believed it was just that bridge but it then became worse I could not drive anywhere that involved water or bridges. I use to be such a confident driver and drive anywhere not now. I have massive panic attacks anywhere outside of my hometown. I would like to add that I do like a drink at night and believe that has a massive effect on my overall well being which I am looking to change. I hope I have not bored you but wanted to give an overall picture of my life.

02-04-10, 23:39
Hi pepey05

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

sarah jayne
03-04-10, 10:05
hi, im sure you will find loads of help and advice here. Im 29 and suffer from anxiety and this site has really helped me and ive met some lovely people. If you ever need a chat then pm me.
sarah xx

03-04-10, 10:35
Hi and welcome
I joined this site yesterday so am also new.
I have just started taking medication after about 4years of living with periods of mild depression and anxiety.
A way I cope when Im feeling low is to remember that I have been here before and that it passes and I will get back to feeling good again.When I am happy the anxiety goes away and I try to remember this.

03-04-10, 16:58
Hi Julia,

Just read your story. You will find lots of help and support here, someone always knows how you feel and can help you. I have suffered anxiety and depression for around 12 years now and have had to take meds for most of that time. You are not alone in this, when I found this site it helped me so much.

Take care

Vanilla Sky
03-04-10, 22:29
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome: Paige x