View Full Version : Counceller

03-04-10, 01:34
I realise there are other posts about councellers on here, but couldn't find what i was looking for.

1. I have been referred to a counceller, however I am concerned as I have read that they only deal with things in the present, where as my issues are in the past. I mentioned this to my doctor, and I said "I feel that this wouldn't be adequate, as I have had a counceller once before who gave me one session and that's it". He still recommends I keep my appointment and see what happens, although I am not so sure, what do you think?

2. Can councellers refer you to other services if they cant help or do they basically send you back to the doctors?

3. I am concerned about speaking openly to a health professional as I find it extremley difficult to speak to my partner and the doctor, what happens if I clam up and start to feel like I cant be totally honest with them?

4. Can I call beforehand and tell them if I am worried about attending?


03-04-10, 21:00
Hi Rian

Do you know where you have been referred for counselling? Is it an organisation?

It depends which sort of therapy you go for. CBT tends to deal with thoughts and behaviours which are affecting you in the present.

Counsellors on the other hand are there to listen to whatever you wish to bring to the sessions. They are not there to tell you what they want you to talk about (they shouldn't be doing this anyway!).

If you have concerns you are well within your rights to raise this with them as they are there for YOU and will talk through your concerns with you. If you are worried then by all means phone them ahead of your session and voice your concerns and they may be able to put your mind at ease a little.

Do you know how many sessions you are having with this counsellor?

I am a trainee counsellor and some times the first few sessions are about building trust up with a client in order that you can work together more productively. So the counsellor is there to try and make you feel as comfortable as possible in order that you feel safe to open up to them. They are not there to interrogate you but for you to talk about what you wish to discuss at your own pace.

Feel free to PM me if you want hun :)

03-04-10, 22:10
Hi Rian

Yes you can be referred on.. I started with 10 counselling sessions, I was then passed over to the secondary mental health team.. and am awaiting therapy...

Good luck, my counsellor was great ...she was so supportive and she did guide me.. it was a doctor referral and I was under the NHS primary care... I couldn't fault her...she helped me untold times and I too have a lot of stuff from the past to sort... I did find it hard sometimes opening up a can of worms and then have to walk away knowing it hadn't been dealt with... but somehow it does help.. don't ask me how, maybe just saying it out loud so I could hear myself saying it...who knows..

Best of luck and remember the therapy takes so long to come through that the counselling should be accepted x

03-04-10, 23:47
Hi thanks for your replies...

No I have no idea if it's an organisation or not, the doctor did say they come to the surgery, so I am guessing it is NHS led and not private.

I have no idea how many sessions I will require either, I havn't gotten much sense out of my doctor to be fair. I am supposed to see him again in 4 weeks but going in on tuesday as I have had a nasty couple of days where I have gone downhill...

Many thanks for your time, i'll let you know how i get on......