View Full Version : Anal pain - reply ASAP

03-04-10, 03:38

This is a bit embarasing to talk about but im freaking out so bad.

I went to the poo about half an hour ago and it was quite a big one which a hurt a little bit and now i'm getting some pains in my bum.

i'm so scared its cancer. I feel theres nothing else it can be? It just seems to be one thing after another.

Please Please Reply ASAP

Love Louise xxx

03-04-10, 04:09
And now it's time for a segment I like to call...


#1. Constipation. Incredibly common. Can be caused by anything... absolutely anything. Causes feeling of pain, sometimes even small tears in the tissue around your anus. The pain can linger after you have gone.

#2. Piles. Haemorrhoids. Call them what you like, even small non-bleeding piles can ache and cause pain when you're passing stools.

#3. IBS. The scourge of many people, anxious and non-anxious the world over.

#4. Hormones. Certain times of the month, hormones can cause that whole area to be more sensitive as all the organs are close together. Do not discount this as a cause for your discomfort.


If a sign of cancer was pain on defecation, we'd all have cancer at times. Our bowel movements are not always consistent - it's a part of life you have to come to terms with, and try not to overanalyse. Pains are almost always JUST THAT... PAINS. There's often not a malicious cause and you have to learn to accept that your body is a living thing with nerve endings you can't control.


03-04-10, 16:23
Sounds like Piles / Haemorrhoids. They are so painful. Get some cream or pesseries to stop the pain and shrink them

04-04-10, 18:54
ive had these over the last few weeks and it can be before and after the toilet. I have noticed though at the time I get them it seems very had to pass stools, plus i suffer with IBS. You could have IBS which is very common and nothing to worry about, if your still worrying about this just speak to your doctor to put your mind at rest x

Rachel W
05-04-10, 01:07
It sounds to me that because the stool was large it has probably irritated your lower rectum and anus (it is quite a small area for this and I have passed some larger stools that have been quite hard and felt the same discomfort). It may take a day or two to settle.