View Full Version : Anyone experience lightheadedness without panic?

03-04-10, 07:33
Hi everyone, am just wondering if any of you experience lightheadedness(the feeling of a fuzzy head and that you might faint but nothing is literally spinning) for more than 3 days in a row without having a panic attack or breathing abnormally? I've been feeling this way for 3 days now, all day and ive had recent regular blood tests 4 days ago and everything was clear except iron was a tiny bit low(but ferritin levels good) and ECG showed irregular pulse with palpitations. all other blood work was normal. i can't accept that the lightheadedness is anxiety cause i don't feel anxious or panic while i get lightheaded altho the lightheadedness has made me depressed and anxious if you get what i mean. do any of you feel the way i do and are positive that is is anxiety and nothing else? i keep feeling something serious is wrong with me that i feel this way. pls help.

03-04-10, 08:49
hi there i go through phases of being lightheaded all the time. i have had anxiety for nearly a year now and for a while it was my main symptom. its the worst one i think. it comes and goes with me. one week i will be fine then i will go a week being really dizzy and lightheaded. there is no panic or anything just this horrible feeling. you are not alone. i think its worse when im sittng still i feel like im moving when im not.

03-04-10, 09:31
Me too, I get it exactly the same as xlouloux and it can last for a few days and then I'm fine. No panic with it just this horrible dizzy/lightheaded feeling and it is awful. I get when I'm sitting, standing whatever and it's there. I would say it is definitely to do with the anxiety/panic but it is a horrible feeling. The next time I'm at the Dr's I am going to ask if there is anything I can do or take to get rid of it. I'm on 40mg of citalopram and feel much better than I did 5 months ago but this lightheaded feeling is the one thing that really drives me mad!!

I hope you soon start to feel better

All the best

Jannie x x

03-04-10, 09:57
Yep. I had exactly the same thing. It was literaally constant. Until I went to A&E with serious headaches and dizziness and they gave me a CT Scan and it was all clear. It disappeared after that so i was CONSTANTLY anxious SUBCONSCIALLY but u dont know it!! U also dont often know when ur over-breathing (hyperventilating). I fort i could tell when i was overbreathing, but at hospital last week i was sat in the hospital bed in A&E hooked up to a continual ECG (i was in there for chest pains and irregular heartbeat), and the monitor was beeping away, the nurse said 'right, u need to slow ur breathing right down, ur getting urself into a panic' and i was like 'er no im not, i dont feel panicky atall, just the chest pains and thats it' and she was like 'the machine is saying u are hyperventilating 20 times as much as u should be!' I was looking at the monitor and could see my breathing rates were through the roof, but i couldnt feel i was doing it!! its ur subconscious mind that is anxious, causing u to breathe rapidly.. but u dont realise it!!! and blow me down, after i got the all clear after 4.5 hour ECG and chest x-ray, the chest pains disappeared! and ive not had a single bit of panic since, coz ive finally accepted ive not got nefing wrong with me!!

Honestly hun, u are experiencing this because of anxiety. I used to say 'but im not anxious or anything!!!!!!!!' And do you know what it said in my exercise booklet that my CBT Mental Health Specialist gave me?? It said:

'Many people believe they feel fine and they are not anxious atall...but they do not often realise that the brain has almost like 'two minds', the mind your aware of and the mind your not aware of. The subconcious mind.

A lady in the booklet quoted - "I suffered with anxiety my whole life, and used to get nasty physical symptoms, i used to hate being told it was anxiety and it made me angry with doctors. I just made myself worse by refusing to accept it was anxiety. I never felt anxious, but im sure my subconcious mind wouldnt agree with me!"

Little things like a slight twinge or a slight bit of stress of feeling down, can make u anxious ALL DAY and u wouldnt even realise it. Ive learnt so much in CBT. Have u looked into that? Maybe ur doc could refer u like mine did, it rly is amazing.

Lightheadedness is hugely debilitating, i couldnt even drive becacuse mine was so bad. But im almost cured of HA now, and i think its all down to acceptance, therapy, and medication xx keep us updated xx