View Full Version : do i ride though it or go back on my medication

26 lee
03-04-10, 07:38
hey guys i have been having panic attacks for 10 years but 2 years ago i thought i was in control and started to come down on my antidepressants and now they have come back really quiet strong and im finding it hard to do daily activities should i ride the storm and see if they start to go or go back on my medication. 26 lee.

03-04-10, 10:22
Hello Lee,

That's a toughie, it might just be a knee jerk reaction of being out of your "comfort zone"
what does your doc say?
Is there anything in particular that's an antagonist?
I know what you mean though,I weaned myself off Citalopram last Sept-Oct time then my partner and I nearly split up and all that was associated with that (selling the house, where would me and my son live) brought on the dark days again so I am back on 20mg again but feel more in control this time.
Thankfully we are all ok but remember there is no shame in being on tablets

Thinking of you

Ali xxxxx

03-04-10, 11:35
i am in the same situation pretty much. i weaned myself down to 10mg citalopram and a few weeks ago was hit by a massive relapse of anxiety. i have been tormenting myself with thoughts like - oh no - i will have to up my dose/change meds etc but i really do not want to go back down that road. i look back now and wish that at the time i started with all this - that i had never gone on anti depressants and learned to deal with the fear because until we loose our fear of fear - the meds only mask it - that is why there is such a high relapse rate.

i think a lot of the anxiety settles when you make a decision - i have decided i am not going to go back to the doctors - i AM going to learn to deal with this myself because what i learn now will put me in excellent stead should it return in the future.:winks: