View Full Version : having to say goodbye

17-01-06, 06:56
Hi all,
i guess the title says everything....unfortunatly after the 22nd of this month i wont be able to come in here again. dont know for how long.
but due to severe finaciall problems ive been forced to cancell alot of things including my phone, aol etc. so i wont be able to access this site.
this year has not started good for me, because of the above things me and my family will probably be out on the streets in a month time. its not fair that some people get all the help in the world whilst ive been working like mad trying to provide for my family,paying everything on time yet get no help whatso ever. im sorry im not gonna bother you with the boring details. anyways i would just like to thank all of you here.
you have been so supporting and helpful. youve giving great advice and its helped me alot being on here. and a big thank you to nicola for setting up this site, its nice to be able to give and receive support on here especially when i dont have many friends or family who would understand like all you lovely people on here.
as soon as everything works out i'll try and come back,there must be a silverlining somewhere right??!!
a big HUG to all of you.....[:X]
take care,
Love Twiglet

17-01-06, 07:04

What can I say apart from I feel for you so much.

Hope things work out for you and, when things have settled down a bit for you, don't forget internet cafe's when you need some support.

Thinking of you

Kate xx

17-01-06, 07:41

Most public libraries have free internet acess.

In difficult times like yours the citizens advice bureau can be very helpful

Good luck


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

17-01-06, 08:34
Hi Twiglet,

I am soooooo sorry to hear how things are going for you at the moment:(
I wish you all the luck in the word Twiglet and hope you get things sorted really soon.

Thinking of you.



17-01-06, 09:15
I'm so sorry Twiglet, take care... sending you lots of hugs


Trish x

17-01-06, 09:15
I'm so sorry Twiglet, take care... sending you lots of hugs


Trish x

17-01-06, 09:20
Thinking of you Twiglet during these bad times. I think somebody has already said but you can use the computers in the library and it will be important for you to carry on getting support from this forum, I think.....

I wish you lots of luck and hope things get sorted soon. As you say, you'll find that silverlining soon.

Lots of love and hugs[:I]

Jem xxx

'Recovery lies in the places and experiences you fear'

17-01-06, 09:36
Sorry to hear that Twiglet, hope things will get better.


*** Instead of giving myself reasons why I can't, I give myself reasons why I can. ***

17-01-06, 09:40
Wishing you all the best hun and if amidst what you are dealing with you get 5 mins to go to the library, we will still all be here to chat.

Take good care of yourself.

Piglet xx

17-01-06, 10:28
sorry to here you having problems life is poop at times
hope everything works out and youll be back soon
meanwhile piglets idea is good about the library anyway goodluck and take care

Ma Larkin
17-01-06, 10:38
Hi Twiglet, you must be worried to death hun. Do go to the Citizens Advice Bureau, they are really good. I don't know your personal situation, whether you are a homeowner, council tenant, but if things do get that bad go to the Housing Options office. In some areas they are called Housing Aid (I work for the Local Authority!). I've read your replies on this post & like most people are saying, you can access the Internet at your local library. In 2002 I lost my husband, my home, was in debt up to my eyeballs, I went to the CAB & saw a debt counsellor. Luckily I was a homeowner at the time, had to sell my house which was enough to pay my debts off but now live in a council house. I can't grumble Twiglet, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Never give up hope, you have to make sacrifices right now like your phone & internet but you'll get there. Take care & I hope it all works out for you, Les. xx

17-01-06, 11:52
I am so Sorry to hear that Twiglet,

I do hope things will get easier.

Take care of yourself.

Love PIP'S X X

17-01-06, 11:59
I hope it all works out for you in the end Twiglet - hope to see you back here soon!! :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

17-01-06, 17:29
Hi Twiglet. sorry to hear such bad news, please take on board what everybody has said and try to get more advice if possible, Look forward to seeing you back soon, xxxx

Most of lifes battles are won, by looking beyond the clouds to the sun:
and having the patience to wait for the day,when the sun comes out and the clouds go away.

love from Alexisxx

17-01-06, 18:20
Oh it's so awful to read this Twiglet - I will be thinking of you and hoping that things pick up for you soon.

Much love to you and your family

Debbie xxxx

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising every time we fall -Confucius

17-01-06, 18:51
Sorry things are so bad for you right now Twiglet. I hope you can sort things out.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

17-01-06, 20:51
Hi Twiglet,

I'm glad you haven't buried your head in the sand are acting on the situation, but remember that your library may have late night opening (ours until 8 on a Thursday) if that helps too.

Above all, look after yourself and those around you that need you.

Big Hugs,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

18-01-06, 14:36

I was nearly crying reading this post. Read the BE STRONG post by Trevor in miscellaneous it is really good.

I sincerely hope that things start to look up for you soon.

Take care and if you do get the chance to use a pc elsewhere let us know how you are doing.

((((((((Positive vibes, love and hugs all the way to you)))))))))

18-01-06, 17:04
thank you all for your kind words. im doing my best to keep my spirits up. its just so hard putting on a brave face infront of my son when all i want to do is cry. but im sure the solution is just around the corner. the enoying thing is that i work two jobs, seven days a week yet cant afford the rent. not fair. had a huge panic last nite because of the stress but i managed to fight it.
again thank you, you're all so nice. i'll defenetly try that library thing.
either way i will keep you updated.

18-01-06, 17:57

I hope you manage to get something sorted soon and don't stay away from us too long.

Will be thinking of you so keep us updated ok?

Good luck and I hope you can sort all the money worries out.
