View Full Version : My Anxiety has got worse on citalipram

03-04-10, 11:31
My Anxiety has got worse on citalipram. My heart seems to palpitate and i get nervy for the first 2 hours after taking it. Only given it 4 days ago. Is it normal?

03-04-10, 13:45
I have been on citalipram for 3 weeks now on monday. I experienced probably 90% of the side effects, tiredness and extreme fatigue being the worst. my dr upped the limit to 20mg on monday and apart from the yawning and severe headaches I feel calmer.

03-04-10, 13:49
Hi, I've been on citalopram for just over 4 months, started on 20mg and then upped to 40mg about 5 weeks ago. When I first started my anxiety was much worse, along with most of the other side effects. Now this far down the line I feel a lot better, but not quite there yet. Compared to how I was, I have improved so much. But stick with them, once you get past those first few weeks you should settle down and feel the benefit of them.

All the best to you

Jannie x x

03-04-10, 14:10
i felt horrendous when i started to take these and i did not think it was possible to feel worse than i did. i just kept going and thought i may as well carry on if i have already got several days in but it took at least 2-3 weeks before i even started to see glimmers of improvements.

having said that - i am now on 10mg and have had a relapse but, because i have educated myself so much re anxiety i am dealing with it myself and loosing my fear of fear. everyone's different and some i am sure find meds work for years but i have bad relapses even on meds and so am dealing with the root cause now. i find that the whole doctor/meds things only increases my anxiety and makes me feel more out of control. having said that - it depends whereabouts on your journey you are because i did feel they were life savers for me at the time!

03-04-10, 14:13
ps - try to not expect any improvements for at least a few weeks - just try and ride it out - it is extremely common to feel much worse initially when you first start to take them x