View Full Version : How many 'lumps' have you got?!

03-04-10, 15:46
I forever seem to be finding 'lumps' that scare the wits out of me! I've been to the doctor about loads & he always says "cyst", or "swollen lymph gland" or "fatty tissue". Is it just me constantly over-reacting?! Does anyone else go to the doc about lumps all the time? :blush:

Purple Fish
03-04-10, 16:16
I can remeber going to the docs about 6 years ago with a `lump` under my arm and it was hormonal!!
It never did come back!!

It`s always in the media about lumps though isn`t it? It`s no wonder we react the way we do!!

03-04-10, 21:58
Hi hun :D:ohmy:

Panic, anxiety can take many, many forms, we all may have the same symtpoms, but what broght us to panic, anxiety and whats keeping it there is different for us all.

Panic, anxiety targets what we fear the most, lets face it, who knows us better than anyone, YOU yourself know just what you fear, so when panic, anxiety triggers, our worst fears come to the forfront of our minds. When acute, our logic thinking goes out the window.

For you, its your health for others its something else. I have noticed sinced joining this great site that the health threads are getting more and more, so hunny, YOUR NOT ALONE :hugs:

I myself when acute, it only targeted my health a few times, I found a lump and my mind went into overdive, it was a hard lump on my shoulder blade, you know the boney bit on the front just below your shoulders, Mmm it turned out that I have had this all my life, I was born with it, its an extra rib bone. But when acute, I was noticing every lump and pump and questioning it.

With health anxiety it is very common to notice things more and get worried. From what I know is, health anxiety IS anxiety, but with different fears from what other people who have anxiety.

I myself had other fears which overides my health fears, ( will not go into that )

When acute we do tend to overreact to the slightest thing, this is because our anxietys are high and we are looking for danger, we have to try and reasure oursleves that we are not in danger, but this is not easy, it take alot of hard work, time and the right support.

If you read through the forums you will see, your are not alone with this when suffering health anxiety, it may not be lumps or bumps for them, it may be there heart or something else regarding there health.

I know its hard hun, but please try and reasure yourself, don't be to hard on yourself :hugs: you are doing your best right now to try and understand panic, anxiety AND IT IS VERY DAME hard to understand and work towards getting better.



04-04-10, 15:33
If you find a lum pof course you would go to the Dr. Just because it is harmless on examination does not mean that you have overreacted. I have had 2 cysts and 2 lumps diagnosed as fatty tissue. It is better to go and have them examined than to ignore them and just hope that they go away! Take care of you...XX