View Full Version : tooth cyst been referred soooo scared(long sorry)

03-04-10, 16:24
hi, havnt posted on here for a long time but need to get this off my chest, ive had a swelling on roof of my mouth for past 12 months which goes and then swells up again, had few x rays done, then last week i mentioned to a new dentist that i felt a lot of pressure on a dead front tooth when i pressed (the swelling)and could actually push it flat.. ne way she xrayed that tooth and found a big cyst.. im now besisde myself that if its been there for a year its bound to have turned into a cancerous tumor(my biggest fear is cancer).. i know im being irrational as im sure all my teeth would have fallen out or id know about it by now!! it does calm down with antibiotics thats why shes referring me to hosp dentist to see why it keeps getting infected,,she mentioned the biopsy word!!! and when i said is it cancer she said not yet!!!! she was a foreign lady so dont think she realised wot she said but it really has put the fear of god into me, ne one else had an oral cyst or nething to help put my mind at ease?? im trying not to crack for the kids sakes but its all a waiting game now!! sorry for waffling xxx

03-04-10, 16:49
I think the magic word you're looking for is abscess. Abscesses are an infection which is in a pocket of tissue or around a tooth. They can be big, small, easily diagnosed, or hard to diagnose. They are very common and treated with a combination of antibiotics, painkillers, and applicable dental surgery (depending on your situation; could be drainage, root canal, or getting tooth extracted).

I had one that caused me grief for at least a year and I had to get the tooth extracted to finally get rid of the darn thing. I had the same type of pressure/pain on a dead tooth too, it was an odd feeling. I only discovered I had it because of a bump on my gum above the tooth - and the pressure on the tooth when I pressed the bump.

Not fun... but HEY, not cancer! :D

ALSO, I've never heard of an abscess turning into cancer - infection and infected cells have a completely different mechanism to cancer cells.

03-04-10, 16:50
I know how you feel as every lump and bump I get I worry that it is the big C! ( I have several sebacous cysts - lumps around hair follicles). I have had one lump removed from my leg, I have one in my eye, and one on my head and I have had all looked at by the Dr and they don't seem concerned about them. They tend to swell more if I mess too much with them aswell. Cysts are strange things but as far as I am aware they do not turn cancerous.

My advice would be that you have seen the dentist, it is being investigated, and that you should try not to think about it until you have results. I know this is really hard to do as I know exactly how you feel.

I think sometimes when you are an anxious person you read alot into things and especially the things that are said to us. I think they way the dentist may have worded the response may not have been meant how it was interpreted. I do the same as I pay too much attention to how things are phrased and then worry way too much about it!

Again try not to worry too much about things that haven't happened yet. I bet in a few weeks you will look back and think what was I worrying about! I do it all the time!!!

Hope all goes well and make sure you keep coming back on NMP for plenty of support and reassurance!

Monkee :)

03-04-10, 18:12
hello hun i have the same thing in the roof of my mouth too i went to the denits i have a cysts he said to iam so sceard ,,and that was 4 months ago he told me to take the pills he gave me and go see a another doc so thay can scrapp it out iam so sceard to and i havent went back ....so if u hear anything new post it and i will do the same sorry i couldnt help but thay said mine is the size of a pencil eracer...tc hun

03-04-10, 19:51
thanks everyone, and see jess your not on your own, you must go back tho hun coz itll end up just keeping on getting infected like mine xxx c when i have to be rational i can..im fine giving advice coz i know its sense, its just the ugly head of heath anx that we can never talk sense to ourselves xxx

03-04-10, 20:17
This reminds me of when I had a tooth crowned (A Molar) I had a root canal and a gold crown was placed, a year or so down the line it infected again and I was in agony. It was an abscess so I went back to the dentist, he did an X-ray and removed the tooth.

Obviously had no problems since, well what teeth I have left are all fine :) For now at least.

Hope you can get it sorted, try and relax, you'll be alright. Don't let your anxiety worry you or let you think the worst case


05-04-10, 12:54
thanks guys!! i just hate the fear being the first thing i wake up too, just wanna be normal!!xx