View Full Version : Please Please help, going nuts

03-04-10, 17:11
Ok so this past month has been awful for me I am not getting any help from my Drs and do not know who to ask anymore. It started with my skin having this burnign sensation I have gone insane trying to figure it out, ignore it, went to my Drs, nothing. Now my depersoanlization is back as is my chest pains I feel like a wreck.
I have been googling like crazy trying to figure out if it is anxiety, or my zoloft, or my vitamins. I feel like my head is spinning and I am in a constant depersonalization.
Yesterday I was actually thinking of stopping the Zoloft cause maybe that was the cause of my burning sensations as it is a side effect but I have been on it for 10 months so is it possible for a new side effect. I feel crazy again. I am torn up my meds from 25mg to 50mg or go off them?
Up until this burnign started I was FINE, that makes me all the more upset.
My drs are really no help.
Thanks Shannon

03-04-10, 18:05
I feel how anxious you are. It is the bloody symtpoms that make it impossible to just get on with our lives isnt it? I have had recurrent pins and needles and tingling in my face. My friend helped me loads with this. COnversation was as follows:

Me: sob sob can't take it any more - cannot bear these symptoms
My friend: you have to ignore them or they will never go away
me: you try ignoring them - its impossible...blah blah blah
my friend: fine, don't ignore them. BUT are the pins and needles stopping you doing anything or causing you agonsiing pain?
me: no
my friend: well, just get on with everything as normal, and accept that you have pins and needles...

and of course they got better....

I know the burning is dreadful, but just accept it and move on...it will go away...

(btw this is the same principle as clair weekes book i think)

03-04-10, 18:23
Just ordered that book the other day.
I am just soooooo damn confused is it my Zoloft making me burn or is it my anxiety?
Up until a month ago my plan was to go off the meds, my Drs and therapists thought I was fine. I felt fine. So stinks.
I agree with you conversation. I try to go on then i feel the burning and it freaks me out and the negative thoughts flood my mind, then of course my mind says I have had enough and shuts off.

03-04-10, 21:34
Hi hun :biggrin::hugs:

I did reply to your other thread regarding the burning sensation hun.

I cannot say if its a side effect of your meds, does it say this in the leaflet? What has your gp said regarding side effects, ask your chemist, they might know if side effects can come on months after.

There is another explanation for this, due to anxiety, the nevouse system.

The nervous system is a very complex network of electrically charged nerves which are found in every square centimeter of your body, around every organ, muscle and across your skin, the largest organ in the body. Abnormal nerve impulses due to anxiety can cause a vast array of strange sensations; although quite harmless these can be very disturbing.

I am panic, high anxiety free because of this great site, but I still can get this from time to time. I have had it on the side of my face, the top of my leg the top of one arm Mmm and other places to, it feels tender to touch like a miner burn.

relaxation cds help . The more we take note of a symptom the longer it last, if we can give ourselves good reasons for it being there, use positive statments, eg, ohh my anxietys kicking off a little this is ?? my nervous system is going to take a little time to come back on track, its ok, it will be fine, I will sort things out, in time, (nervous system, adrenaline) tell yourself your fine it will pass, then go on to distract yourself, this will pass hunn.

PLEASE hun, egknowledge the symptom being there DON'T egnore it, give it good reason for being there, ( as above ) THEN go and distract yourself, to take your mind off how you are feeling. From what I know, panic, anxiety, this is the bodys warning system, if we egnore it, we are not listening to what our mind and body is telling us, we already know whats wrong, we have anxiety, its a fails alarm and telling us we are in danger, so we have to egknowledge the warning, use reasuring statments, to try and switch this fail alarm off, then go and distract ourselves.

You say you was fine untill the burning started, ohh hunny, the nervouse system takes time to come back on track. I had this symptpom just a few days ago, due to dealing with an issue, NOT a problem. I gave it good reason for it being there and it did pass in within 3 days, mine was only a in a large patch at the top of my leg, but I could feel it there all the time.

You are right hun, your mind is trying to protect you with the DP, this is another protective mode our minds have.

I really feel for you hun, :hugs: Try using some relaxaction cds, the ones the last for about an hour, OR if you gp says its ok, self hypnoses cds, I found them really good, it helps take my mind off how I am feeling and gives my mind a restfull break, when acute, I used the same cd every day. This was one of the many, many things I feel helped me.
Hope this helps,



05-04-10, 13:01
Thank you so much for understanding how this all feels.
SO I take it I need to attirubute it to anxiety I just have such a ahrd time beleiving it. But once I start giving it to the anxiety it SHOULD stop????
But since I am not all that stressed I have a hard time balming anxiety. This anxiety stinks.
Jill you had burning constant? And over a large area?

pussy cat
05-04-10, 14:15
just a quick reply to let you know that the longer you are on a med the more likely you are to suffer any side effects ! this was told to me by a dr & is probably the opposite of what we all think.

05-04-10, 14:35
So wait the longer I am on meds the MORE likely I am to suffer side effects????????? WOW. Interesting.

06-04-10, 15:49
Hi hun :D:hugs:

***Jill you had burning constant? And over a large area?***

I did NOT have the burning constant, the shortest time was a few hours the longest was 4 days, the largest area was the size of a football, on my side. Mine seemed to move around and each time it comes back, its somehere else.

It can be very hard to know if a side effects of meds or anxiety related. I myself don,t take meds, so I feel FOR ME, mine is anxiety related, Mmm I say when it happens I never feel stressed BUT, I can always say to myself, oh I am dealing with ???? at the mo, so its must be becasue of that.

I do really feel for you :hugs: this must be soo dame hard, but as you said yourself hun, one day you felt fine and moving forward, a symptom kicked in and BAM your feel like your back on that roundabout finding it dame hard to get off.

Please keep looking and searching for your answers, they are out there.

I don;t know much about meds, my mum whan on meds for breast cancer, she was on them for 5 years, over those years she had a large number of side effects and was told this was normal. She is well know, off the meds and NO MORE side effects.

Please hun, get to know the meds your are on,



06-04-10, 17:14
The doctor told me all nerve endings are related, so what we feel on the inside can then transmit to the outside if this makes sense. I get the burning sensation on my chest when my acid reflux is particularly bad. Nothing to worry about, easier said then done I know x