View Full Version : seroxat changed

03-04-10, 21:21
i am on seroxat and i have just been to get my tablets and although they are seroxat the box is bigger and the tablets themselves are different, my old ones had seroxat 20 written on the tablet, these have just 20 on the tablet, this probably sounds realy silly but im panicking about taking them, has anyone else had this change, im scared that they might make a difference!!
need some reassurance..

03-04-10, 21:22
Hi maybeoneday

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

03-04-10, 22:03

If the box and the leaflet inside say they are still the same active drug and the dosage is the same, they should be fine to take. I don't know if it's an NHS prescription you got but most antidepressants are available in generic form - ie. it's not just the one brand name company that makes it. Usually they are the same pills but in different boxes, sometimes the pills look different. They should be exactly the same, if you have any allergies though check the leaflet of the new ones in case any inactive ingredients are different from the version you are used to. You shouldn't notice any difference in the effect though :)

04-04-10, 14:48
someone must have noticed this change too please reply.

04-04-10, 17:21
Hi, Please dont worry...I am a trained dispenser and the drugs come in different boxes due to the different generics but the drug is the same, so you just must of got what they have been supplied with at the time (which is usually the cheapest) unless you actually stipulate what brand name you want you will be supplied with whatever they have at the time you put in your prescription.

Hope this eases your mind.

04-04-10, 17:47
hi jo
they are seroxat named brand but the box is a bit bigger and the tablet itself is changed slightly it used to have seroxat 20 on the box its now just got 20 written on it. they are still made by glaxo smith kline though, got myself convinced they are fake and im going to suffer bad effects, i asked the chemist he said there not a generic they are seroxat but couldnt tell me why they have altered the packaging or tablet he said its just what the wholesaler sent him, im terrible with meds when i first started seroxat 10 yrs ago i suffered realy bad with sideeffects .

04-04-10, 18:07
Hey, Please dont worry...it is perfectly fine. It is just made by someone else but the drug is the same...they are not fake...please believe me...I would not tell you any lies..it happens all the time and customers really worry but honest there is no need. They are what you usally take just in a different box etc. Please trust me and relax.

What happens it the chemist (and I work for a huge chemist chain) get sent the cheapest at the time...so dont worry...you will be fine.

Take care and relax.


04-04-10, 18:35
thankyou, i will try to relax, i took one this morning so if anything was to happen hopefully would of by now. got myself worked up because someone on here had the same tablets andthey said they made them feel dizzy etc the day after taking one.:lac: