View Full Version : Is it save?

03-04-10, 23:20
I haven't posted in a while because I have been feeling miles better recently. Although the anxiety is still there each day I can go for much longer periods without thinking about it and enjoy a lot of things that I couldn't previously, there's just one thing niggling at me that I think might be stopping me from making a full recovery but I'll post about that another time.

Anyway I am going on a big night out tomorrow and I'm really really looking forward to it, I haven't had a proper night out since before my anxiety started about 1 and 1/2 years ago. I want to put loads of make-up on, wear a gorgeous dress and just really really enjoy myself. I would like to get a bit drunk but I'm worried to let myself go completely. Will a cocktail of prolonged severe anxiety and alcohol cause death? I sound ridiculous but I'm frightened in case the anxiety has caused an illness that alcohol could trigger off?

Thanks for any replies xxxx

03-04-10, 23:21
Sorry the title was meant to say safe, I'm tired!! :) x

04-04-10, 00:01
Hi Hugs,

I'm on Sertraline, I have a couple glasses of wine when I'm out, it has not affected me, as long as you take your meds at your usual time. You can still have a good time out. I hope you have a lovely time.
