View Full Version : Sleep Walking

04-04-10, 01:00
Hi All,

I am currently suffering from generalized anxiety disorder as well as panic attacks and agoraphobia. I am recovering from a case of globus hysterics (which caused all of this anxiety in the first place.) I take 30mg remeron (mirtazapine) and I have been taking it for a long time. I am also in therapy.

I have always been afraid of sleep, honestly, always. I suffered from sleep apnea as a baby (I was born very premature.) I grew out of the apnea though, even though I have a family history of it.

I use to sleep walk as a child, but I haven't had an episode in the last 15+ years (I am currently 21 years old.)

Last night around 3:30am I lept out of bed and I went into my moms room and gave her a hug. I do not remember ANYTHING before the hug. After the hug I went to the washroom and asked my mom to turn the heat down because I found it warm, and then I went back to bed.

When I woke up in the morning, I didn't remember ANY of it. It wasn't until my mom asked me what had happened that it all came flooding back, all except the moments before the hug (the getting out of bed and going to my mom.)

I know I was having some sort of dream, and I know the dream was telling me to get out of bed... it was almost like I thought I was awake.

The problem is now the "episode" is causing me to feel a lot of anxiety. I am afraid to go to sleep, I am afraid I will sleep walk and I will hurt myself or someone around me (not because I want to, but because I am asleep.)

I know stress/anxiety can cause sleep walking episodes or "Confusional arousals." At first I thought maybe I had an apnea attack (my dad often flies out of bed when he has an apnea attack.) Or maybe a panic attack in my sleep, but the thing is, I wasn't afraid. My heart wasn't beating fast, I could breathe just fine...

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? If so what did you do about it? Did it go away on its own?