View Full Version : work problems

04-04-10, 10:43
i am feeling quite anxious

i am due back at work on tuesday after being signed off, i was feeling okay about gping back, until i got a letter from work regarding a few things

turns out they are accusing me of quite a few things and are trying to say my illness is obviously making me do things :ohmy: and they want me to see a doctor of their choosing who is going to make an assessment on my condition based on an hours consultation

my work have also been requesting information from my medical records without my written consent (which they are meant to have) and my doctor has given them confidential information about me to them regarding my appointments etc, also turns out information has not updated on my records when i have been speaking to my doctors on the phone re getting lines extended etc

i have checked out what i can legally and found out that they cannot request any information about without my written consent and a doctors line is not written consent either for them to get information

i am now really anxious about going back on tuesday as i have no idea what is going to happen

has anyone else had problems like this, i am really worried and anxious now :scared15:

05-04-10, 09:19
Hi Moom,

I would be absolutely livid if my place of employment had done this to me, and i can understand why you're anxious.

Me personally, i would phone the docs and speak to the receptionist and ask them, they will know what is allowed and what isn't.

My son had something similar happen to him, he was discharged from the army with depression and when he got a job as a lifeguard he had to be assessed from one of their own personal doctors, however he had given written permission beforehand for them to be privvy to his records, whereas you didn't do this.

I would certainly try and find out a bit more if you can as to whether they were allowed to do this.

Do let us know how you get on.

di xx

05-04-10, 09:35
Hi moomin,
Wayne here,,,, don't let them get to you they are not worth it by the sounds of it. If they have got confidental information without your consent i think i report that to whoever governs that, because that is not on.
Sometimes moomin we think things are going to be a lot worse than they are, i hope it all goes ok for you,
Regards Wayne,

05-04-10, 10:40
Go back to work on Tuesday with your head held high. You have nothing to be ashamed of, although the same cannot be said for your workplace. Their behaviour is out of order and they need to be held responsible for this. Think about your own health and well-being and let them sort out their own inadequacies. Any workplace worth it's salt would support their staff through any illness. Let us know how you get on.
Myra x

05-04-10, 11:09
i am feeling quite anxious

i am due back at work on tuesday after being signed off, i was feeling okay about gping back, until i got a letter from work regarding a few things

turns out they are accusing me of quite a few things and are trying to say my illness is obviously making me do things :ohmy: and they want me to see a doctor of their choosing who is going to make an assessment on my condition based on an hours consultation

my work have also been requesting information from my medical records without my written consent (which they are meant to have) and my doctor has given them confidential information about me to them regarding my appointments etc, also turns out information has not updated on my records when i have been speaking to my doctors on the phone re getting lines extended etc

i have checked out what i can legally and found out that they cannot request any information about without my written consent and a doctors line is not written consent either for them to get information

i am now really anxious about going back on tuesday as i have no idea what is going to happen

has anyone else had problems like this, i am really worried and anxious now :scared15:

I'm not legally qualified so take this only as my opinion.

This is potentially extremely serious. If your GP has released medical records without permission or good reason to a third part without your permission they could be in very deep water. I have a contact who understands the Data Protection and Freedom of Information Acts VERY well. With your permission I can ask her for advice.

As for your employer they are also in danger of having broken the law, and should they take action against you may be leaving themselves open to legal action esp. if they change your conditions of employment to make your job untenable or harass you. You will be on stronger grounds if you have been employed for two years by your current employer, but even without that cover if they have requested your medical records without your permission they have, I believe, broken the Data Protection Act.

PM me if you wish.

one of us

05-04-10, 11:33
Hi Moom

Under the data protection you can sue the person who has released the information given to your employer without your permission. It can only be held for the purpose given and not released. Your doctor is not allowed to give information unless with permission.

I would also take legal advice against your employer this is literally bullying. They have gone completely over your head. If their claims are not true then fight it.

The very best of luck to you whatever you decide. We spend much of our day in our workplace and the last thing you need is to feel like that.

I have had my first very negative one to one myself. I am shy and have been ill but I work hard and am hurt...it was also suggested when I had a problem with my pc that I move desks... after overhearing a colleague stating that she would like to sit where I am.. I'm hurt as well as disappointed but I guess I expected it eventually, they have to be seen as doing the right thing but I'm under the impression where there is a will to get someone to leave there is a way.

Hugs x

05-04-10, 14:14
thank you guys

i have been with my employer for 17 years and i have also checked with the nhs who have told me that any person who wishes to request any information on a patients medical records requires written permission from the patient and that includes any information that is on my lines and appointments, my work can see from my sick line what is wrong and the dates and if they want any further information regarding the dates and the nature of my illness that is stated on my line etc they have to have my written permission to request this information as its confidential information that is on my medical records

my work is also saying that there is appointments i have said i have had where my doctor has said she has not seen me, yes thats correct because i had telephone consultation where the doctor wrote a line for me and left it for me to collect and its weird that one the dates they say i have lied about i have a line signed by the doctor for that date!!!

this is a surgery that also prescribed me medication that could have killed me and turned round and said it was not on my medical records that i was highly allergic to it, when i joined my new surgery i know for a fact when i filled out the form to join i put down what i am allergic to

i have not given this permission to my employer

i have written down when i have spoken to my doctors and receptionist etc about my lines and other stuff, it has all came about as one of my lines had an error on it (made by the doctor who had not updated my records when he changed the dates as i had asked for it to be extended over the phone and they left it at reception for me) so instead of my work asking me if my doctor could issue a new line as a mistake had been made, they have gone over my head and got information without my permission

what i do find weird is the last time i spoke to my doctor she never even mentioned my work had been in touch with her and i saw her 3 days before i got this letter

i am so hurt and angry that information on my medical records has been given out without my permission and that my work is saying my illness is making me do things, why on earth would i want to harm my work position when i have been there for 17 years