View Full Version : Help! Heart fear, just frightened myself with something i read.

04-04-10, 10:49
Please dont read on if you have a phobia/obsession about the heart as i have just frightened myself by what i read in another post on here. I realise the lady didnt mean to frighten anyone and its not her fault but i read it and frightened myself. In the past ive suffered with fear of death and alot of it being about my heart. Ive been alot better over the last few years and usually manage to be more positive and when ive suffered palpatations and ectopic heart beats i tell myself its just anxiety. Ive had my heart listened to several times over the years, had been to hospital several times when i was younger in a right state. Just recently the fear seems to have reared its ugly head again, it hasnt helped that a dentist where i work got taken into hospital last week with chest pains, ended up having a triple heart bypass, then a few days later i saw a story of a guy on gmtv who had a heart attack at 31 then to top it off i read the story on here of a guy in his thirties who started a blog on fear of death and coincidentley died of heart problems( its on page 7 of the fear of death/dying in phobia section). My hair stood on end because then all the horrible negative thoughts came flooding back, im trying to convince myself that having anxiety panic attacks for years cannot harm the heart and this man must of had an underlying condition, but then i think well if he had fear of death would he not of been checked by his doctor, any positive inputs would be appreciated so i can help dispell these anxious thoughts im having.

04-04-10, 10:59
if their just thoughts they cant harm you why worry abot something that could neer happen ,just look after yourself keep fit ,,

04-04-10, 15:38
Louise, I am not sure if we read the same post that you talk of, but it scared me too if it was the same one. What I did was go right on over to RLR's site, even though he is away at the moment and read some of his posts and explanation section. This comforted me.

Why not go on over and have a read...

It is a shame about the guy who was 31 and died. Did he have a health problem though? Everyone fears death, most just keep it right at the back of their mind. Fearing it won't make it happen.

04-04-10, 16:14
Hi guys,
thanks for your replies, im feeling very anxious today, its helps to know im not alone. Its a long time since i let these sort of thoughts upset me but the story i read seems to have triggered one of my underlying fears. Typer im not sure we read the same story who is RLR, if i go on his site will it be of any help.
Many thanks

04-04-10, 18:13
Oh it will help. He explains that nothing bad can or will happen just because we have ectopics. Lots of us here have been helped by him. He is a retired neurologist.

Here is the link to his site


04-04-10, 19:17
Hi Typer,
Thanks very much for the information, ive been on his website and the information has really helped me so many thanks.

04-04-10, 23:58
thats really helpful information and he explains it so beautifully and simply

05-04-10, 01:46

Please put things in perspective. Only the horror stories make the headlines. What newspaper, or news report, wants to tell stories of all the people that are sent to hospital with suspected heart attacks that turn out to be fine - that would be boring.

My turning point was when the cardiologist explained to me that of all the people that are checked over for suspected heart problems only a very small fraction need to be examined further. Out of that small fraction that are examined only a further small fraction then requires attention.

The vast vast vast majority are fine. As you are.

05-04-10, 12:36
Hi everyone,
Thanks again for your advice and support am feeling alot better today. I have been abit stressed again recently, ive a 3yr old that doesnt sleep well and 2 teenage boys, sometimes my house is quite stressful and ive obviously become a bit sensitized again.