View Full Version : Depresed...sigh

04-04-10, 14:02
Hey gang its Austin here ive been really self concious lately about body image and beauty..im always depresed that im ugly because i have thick eyebrows and bad skin at the moment my dad told me because im 14 its normal to fell bad about myself but most of the girls tell me at school im ugly and it gets me down i fell jelious of those born with nice features and i wish i wasint ugly is this just a teen thing will things improove? or am i just going to be thinking about this all the time am i good looking am i ugly?

Do teens go through ugly stages or something is it normal for bad skin and stuff?

04-04-10, 15:33
Of course yes, teens can look kind of gawky and skin can be a nightmare. I look at pictures of my friends as teens and think oh boy how ugly where they...they grew into good lookers

05-04-10, 00:39
No one, ever looks their best at 14. Even film stars, who later on become femed for their looks. A good electrologist can take care of the brows.

05-04-10, 06:57
Hey Austin!

Cheer up buddy, we all go through terribly gawky stages. I always thought I was ugly and gawky. I have really thick eyebrows too and I'm a girl! I also used to have terrible skin and I was just all round not very nice looking. Don't listen to what anyone else says in regards to you being 'ugly'. You're not ugly, just growing up. We all have stages of not looking good. It's unfortunately a part of being a teenager. I'm pleased to let you know that I'm now much better looking than I was at 14, people I knew back then see me now and go 'Oh I didn't recognise you! You look good!'. So remember, although you might not look the best now, doesn't mean you won't look great later on, I'm sure you will. With regards to the skin problem theres a few things you can do to fix this.
1. Make sure you drink lots of water.
2. Wash your face with hot water and a cloth every morning and night. Use a facial cleanser as well if you can, it's good to get rid of any dirt in your pores.
3. Cut back on extremely surgary foods. Sugar is fine to have, but I mean don't have a whole packet of lollies in a day and things like that :)
And with the eyebrows really don't worry too much about them. I have very thick eyebrows and these days everyone comments on how nice they are which always surprises me. You can pluck them if you'd like, but don't go overboard. Just pluck any hairs in the middle and you'll look fine :) Everyone is self concious sometimes, just remember, everyone also looks horrible sometimes too!

05-04-10, 08:56
Don't worry it's quite normal, hormones and parents (I'm one - a parent that is not a hormone) play hell with skin and how you see yourself.

I remember we had a girl at school who was as thin as a rake and whose nickname was beetroot since she would blush at absolutely everything. The last time I saw her a few years after she'd left school, as theysay she had blossomed very nicely. Myself, I was still fighting the spots though now I am stuninngly handsome having passed the period of having to hunt down a young female to marry :hugs:

Exercise though is good, esp. if you can imagine your problems as you smash a squash ball around a court or whatever. I believe tiddlewinks by the way are an insufficient form of exercise for depression relief though, you need to get out and about :shades:

one of us

And here's a picture here just to prove I'm handome:D