View Full Version : Spaced out???

04-04-10, 14:07
Hi guys,

I've had anxiety for around 2 years now, but for the past 3months i've had this really odd spaced out feeling (kinda dizzy but not really as nothing is actually spinning). no one seems to know what it is or how to fix it, i was on 20mg of citalopram and slowly reduced so now on 5mg over past few weeks (feeling pretty awful now). I've had lots of tests at the doctors and have been seeing a CBT therapist, nothing seems to be working though and i'm really fed up with it now.

Does anyone else have this or know anything more about it?


04-04-10, 23:58

I get this. Its one of my worse anxiety symptoms.

Has this happened since you have reduced yr tablets? If so thens its probably side effect of reducing your meds

If not then its prob just the anxiety. I have suffered with this on and off for about 5 years.

love mandie x

05-04-10, 11:54
Hi Mandie,

I have suffered for this pretty much constantly for the past 3months, however since i have gone down to 5mg of citalopram it seems much worse and feeling very wobbly and just not good! is this because of the reduction do you think?


05-04-10, 16:22
Hi Ems,

It sounds like withdrawal effects from citalopram, how long have you been on 5mg for? It is very unfortunate for you as it sounds like you have tapered your dose very slowly, having said all of that it may be anxiety causing it. How long have you taken cit for? Sometimes if you come off the meds too soon the symptoms can return, I hope this is not the case for you but if so at least you still have some of the meds in your system so to increase again until you are stable would not be such a problem.

Hope it passes soon and you feel better...not nice for you.

Take care

22-07-10, 20:06
In a really stressed out time in my life I woke up with this one day and it hasn't gone away since.

It's not a spinning dizzy, but kinda like a disconnected spaced out feeling sorta like you drank a couple of beers?

I also notice Its worse outdoors or in wide open spaces.

The bad news is I've had it for 3 years now (24 hours a day) and the good news is I've gotten MRIs and all kinds of tests done and I have no physical symptoms and it hasn't caused me any problems other than being some other crap I have to live with.

I think if we are able to move past the stress in our lives it will eventually just subside.