View Full Version : Excited Anxiety?

04-04-10, 18:42

I'm still wondering whats really causing my anxiety and I haven't really found the finger pointing evidence yet. After looking back at previous events I think my anxiety may be caused by me getting "overly-excited"? Could that be it? Like my anxiety usually starts when I'm playing a video game, playing cards, about go to a big social gathering, or a party. I've never had this problem in the past but now its seems really apparent. My two biggest symptoms for this sudden "excitement anxiety" are shakiness and upset stomach. Any solutions on how to stop this? Should I start taking medications? I want to live my life already and go out without the constant anxiety lurking behind the corner.

04-04-10, 20:51
Hi hun :D:hugs:

WELL DONE :yesyes: in trying to work things out, trying to understand what is triggering your anxiety, this can be soo dame hard, BUT, your working things through and one day, you will get there.

I do know that if we see anxiety, not as a hole thing, but slip it up to where we think our anxietys happen, we can begin to try and understand why, this is why talking thearpy work,s, they can help you, help yourself work through where your issues lay.

It is true, that when the nevouse system has become sesative for whatever reason, when excited we can misunderstand this sigal and think its anxiety related, when axcited we can have a rush of adrenalin, hence the shakey and feeling unwell or upset tummy.

It helps if you work through one thing at a time, each place you feel anxiety, rememember, anxiety does NOT come from any of these things, it comes from within, YOU, how you react and respond to these things. It can be hard to change the way we think at these times, but with alot of hard work, time and the right support, IT CAN be done.

What I was told to do was to pick away at my anxietys, find if there is any other reasons for it being there, to pick away at it, pull it apart, so to speak.

just say, playing cards, this is a very very BIG possibilaty, that this reaction is due to over reacting to your excitment. This can be worked on by learning reasuring statment for yourself, going out your way and playing cards with people you feel confortable with.

Hunny, going to partys, social things, Mmm even cards, how confident are YOU, I know that if you are acute with anxiety, this can knock your confidance, but LOOK BACK, did you have confidance to start with, if so, then, this again maybe due to being over excited, OR if you have never had confidance, then this is what you need to work on and look into how you can learn more confidance.

Vidieo games, this again could be due to excitment, but I also know a few people (my hubby is one of them ) who don't suffer anxiety, they cannot play these types of games, it makes them feel all jittery and sick. If you are playing the games for long periods of time, you mind and body might be sending signals trying to let you know your on it far to long, this is just something you can work out for yourself by playing the games for a lesser period of time and see how it goes, it is PICKING away at your anxiety and always using resuring statments, eg, " I am fine, its just my an kicking off a little, it will pass, " anything that is reasuring, always egknowledge your stympon, give reasuring statments, then go on and ignore it.

As for taking meds, ohh hun, this is up to you. I am sorry I can't answer that question. All I can say is, when I was acute, with panic, high levels of anxiety, I would have taken ANYTHING to make it go away, and I did for a short time. Mmm did it work, Mmm, I can't really answer that because Mr P, Mrs A started playing with me about the meds I was on and I came off them. I do know, that they have helped people, so this one is up to you hun, why don't take a look and read up the the meds to take for anxiety, this may help you.

If you really believe that you will get better, your mind WILL find ways to do it. I know its hard for you hun, but Mrs anxiety plays her games, you play them back, see yourself better in the future doing the things you want to do, keep dreaming, keep thinking and one day, YOU WILL get there.