View Full Version : Hiya new to the forum

04-04-10, 20:59
I'm Helen - I live in the UK.
I got my first panic attack 2 days after my a-levels finished in 2000. I thought I had a virus that was making me feel really sick.
After quite a few weeks my family and I concluded that it wasn't a virus.
My doctor at first gave me a few types of anti-sickness tablets. Then put me on Imipramine which is a tranquiliser. Then tried Lofepramine. Next the doctor gave me Fluoxetine (Prozac) which made me actually be sick.
Lastly he put me on Citalopram (Cipramil) which I have been on ever since. I have been up and down on doses of the Citalopram. I have also been diagnosed with IBS which makes my panic attacks so much worse.
I got better to the point that I had managed to get job and a social life. Unfortunately my boss bullied me at work and caused a relapse in late 2008, and I still haven't recovered and am stuck in a rut.
It doesn't help that I met a lovely man who I was convinced I was going to marry, and he dumped me last week because he can't see a future for us with my illness being as it is (he also has OCD). So I am now a single 28 yr old, who has a panic disorder that is based in agoraphobia, and not much of a future to look forward to.
Me in a nutshell basically.
Helen x

04-04-10, 21:00
Hi Hel_is_heaven

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

05-04-10, 10:33
Hi Helen,

Just read you story...sorry you are having a pretty awful time of it lately. Hopefully you will feel better on here, meeting people in the same boat as you are, and also offering friendly advice.
