View Full Version : Crap night full of pains and missed beats :(

04-04-10, 21:07
Just thought id share my anxciety problems of the day! Started off feeling pretty great, as if i didnt even have anxciety but why is it, the day goes on and you start to feel more and more like crap? I have got chest pains, heart skipping beats which ill add is the most HORRIBLE feeling in the world. Just fed up and sick to death of it. Especially the heart thuds. They are so frightening. Anyone else suffer with these? XxX

04-04-10, 21:34
I had nights like this so many times. Lying in bed my heart had a mind of it's own!! No matter how many missed beats you have or for how long it happens, always remember that it's doing you no harm. I know they are a complete nuisance and make you feel uncomfortable. They used to make me feel really tired. They are a symptom like any other anxiety symptom and the more scared you are of them then the more they will persist. If they happen during the day then don't let them stop you doing what you were going to do. If you have them in bed then try and distract your thoughts by thinking about something else. You'll find that they fade into the background. Try not to be afraid of them.
Myra x

04-04-10, 21:38
Yes mine are to mainly when im relaxed. In bed, watching tv just when im relaxed really. I think its when your relaxed and then you become aware and can feel the beats within you and you then concentrate on it, or because your aware you have had eptopics so when im relaxed its as if im waiting for it to happen. Strange hey hehe. Thanks for the reply though xx

04-04-10, 23:10
I have been having them really badly the last few days and nights - Im almost scared to go to bed tonight and Im away in a hotel so should be enjoying myself - last night it was like I was getting a build up of anxiety in my chest like I could almost feel the adrenalin building and my chest sort of tightening and then I would get skipped beats and then a big thud of a beat - its very hard to believe that its nothing sinister! I think I am going to have to go to the doctors this week just to get it checked out as even though I had it all checked about 5 years ago I keep thinking things could have changed and perhaps there is a problem now. I have my period at the moment too which never seems to help with anxiety!

I spend alot of time on here reassuring others but I cant seem to apply the same to myself... funny - only NOT!


05-04-10, 00:58
yeh is suffered same thing, severe chest pains and ectopics. I called an ambulance coz my pains in my chest were unberable. Chest XRay, Bloods and a 4 hour ECG confirmed there was nothing going on and i was 1000% fine :) I needed that closure. Ive had brain scan, chest xray, countless ecg's, continual ecg, bloodworks for every disease going, u name it ive had it!! lol!! but if i hadnt of had allt hese things i dont think id feel as good as i do now, as its finally convinced me its all just anxiety. Im having weekly CBT and i take 20mg citalopram everyday, im 90% there :) ectopics are horrible, but u r sooooooooooooo right!!! When u have them its horrible but when ur not having them, ur anxious about them happening (i.e waiting for them to happen!) so they happen coz ur so anxious!! lol!! then u get into even more of a state!! its a blimmin' nightmare!!! lol. But as above posters have said, they are not dangerous. Id get an ECG just to be sure, but sounds deffo like bad anxiety to me. CBT and meds r the way forward, good luck x x