View Full Version : red dots after vomiting

Rachel W
05-04-10, 01:01

I have been on here so much lately with one thing or another, but today I vomited because I had eaten a quarter of an Easter egg after lunch and it was so rich that it made me feel sick and my stomach hurt. I felt that at any moment I could be sick and felt really flushed and hot, so I went to the bathroom and stood over the toilet (sorry), and willed vomiting. I was sick a little but still felt rotten so tried again and was sick more. It seemed quite forced and I was so flushed that when I was finished and I stood up my neck was really itchy. I checked in the mirror to see if there was a rash, but there wasn't; I think it was because I had been so hot, but then I saw my eyes and I have so many very tiny red dots all around and across the bridge of my nose.

I know that they are broken blood vessels from being sick.

I periodically get small red dots the size of pinheads and they never go away (I only get a few a year and my Mum has them too - most of the time they turn into freckles but I have about 6 red ones throughout my body). Because of this I am terrified that all these new ones will stay. It looks as if someone has gotten a brush and splattered me with red paint.

Has anyone ever gotten these before and have they always faded after a short while? Also, does it mean I may have a clotting issue? (I have always seemed to bruise easily but they always fade very quickly too, and the other week I slammed my arm and only had a faint bruise that showed up after a few days because I think initially it had been deep). I also had a tooth pulled about 5 months ago and it had clotted by the time she checked the first time.

I hope that this is the last time I have to write here for a while. I want my life to be anxiety free.... :(

Thank you all. :blush:

05-04-10, 01:05
I once had a huge bruise on my eyeball. It went away in a few day, but the sight of it frightened me. Happened after vomitting too.

05-04-10, 04:27
Hi there. Nothing to worry about. These little dots are called petechiae - petechial hemorrhaging is common after vomiting due to pressure. They also come up if people are strangled to death... too many episodes of CSI to my credit...

They should take a few days to go away.


Rachel W
05-04-10, 10:11
I hope so. They haven't even faded yet. I just get concerned because I have had little red dots appear before (and in correction to above some of them are tiny dots), and they always stay... :(

05-04-10, 12:35
The permanent little red dots are probably cherry angionomas that are completely harmelss and increase with age - I am covered in them from pin pricks to size of a grape pip. so you probably have a combination of the two.
do you have alot of moles and skin tags as well - I do and they all go together.
The vominting will have burst little blood vessels and it could take weeks for them to fade justl ike a bruise.

Rachel W
05-04-10, 15:24
countrygirl, so you don't think that because they look similar they may stay? I am really worried about this. I hope that you are right and they will fade... :(

05-04-10, 16:41
Hey Rachel,

I get these constantly and I also bruise very easily. Mine fade completely after a while. They do almost look like freckles for a couple of days before completely fading. My doctor said this is because blood goes a darker brown when its old and its not actually a freckle. True enough some of the ones that looked like freckles before arent there any more. I had a separate issue that was causing them to get bad but I think in the majority of cases there is no explanation, some people just get them. If your worried about them or if they get bad you can get a quick blood test at the docs which would put your mind at ease, but Im sure because your mum has got them too that its probably just one of those things.

Hope that helps :)

Rachel W
08-04-10, 14:53
Just to let you know that they have almost gone. Much to my relief. I have a bruise near my shoulder where my bra strap goes but this came up suddenly and is now fading. Is it true that if you bruise easily because of health issues they also take longer to heal? My body seems to heal quite quickly.

Thanks for all the support. Now if just my skin felt better and these floaters would go away I would be very happy.