View Full Version : Unexplained Pain??

Desprate Dan
05-04-10, 04:47
Hi There,

For almost one year now i have had a pain just under my ribs on my right side, its there everyday at some point but not constant?? some days it comes and goes alot more than others?? I had a ultra sound which showed everything to be normal, and i have recently had a colonscopy which showed a diverticular which is apparently a pocket in your bowel and quite common, this was in the same area as to were i get the pain, do you think it could possibly be due to that??

There doesnt seem to be any pattern to the pain it just seems to come and go for no apparant reason.

Feel so guilty for bothering my doctor i feel such a burden, but there seems to be always something on my mind..

I hate myself for feeling this way, its like i always want an answer and sometimes no one can give me one which makes me so anxious..
