View Full Version : Take pills at night or in the morning?

05-04-10, 05:08
Hi all,

I have, in the last few days, upped my dose from 20mg to 40mg on the advice of my doctor, due to immense stress from a separation.

I am feeling exhausted, all the time, and spent the first few nights not sleeping. I really feel true exhaustion - right down into my muscles. I am hoping that this will go away after a couple of weeks - but the alternative of not coping and sinking into depression and major anxiety made me realise i needed to up the dose.

I normally take my dose at night, as when I first started on it I was very fuzzy and "drugged" and my doc suggested switching from taking it in the morning. I have been wondering if I could diminish the sleep issues (lack of and also very vivid, disturbing dreams) if I took the tablets in the morning instead.

Any suggestions or insights?


05-04-10, 10:32
Hiya,i take mine about 7pm but at the begining i wasnt sleeping so i was going to start taking them in a morning instead,but my sleeping got better so still take them at night.

05-04-10, 10:45
Hiya, I usually take my Citalopram around midday, although I do feel very tired and 'drugged' so I've been meaning to switch and take them on an evening before I go to bed, as I usually struggle to fall asleep.

The thing is, if I don't take them around midday, I'm convined I am more anxious and depressed during the day. It must be my mind playing tricks on me, either that or I really am going crazy :) Or, maybe old age

05-04-10, 10:54
Hi, when I increased my dosage from 20mg to 40mg of Citalopram my Dr said take 20mg in morning and 20mg in the evening. I take the first one about 7am and the evening one about 7pm. I don't feel any more tired during the day and I sleep fine at night. I'm only about 5 weeks into increasing the dosage so am still feeling a little bit anxious, which I am hoping will improve.

Jannie :)

07-04-10, 12:12
Thanks you guys. Spent the day in a state of half awakeness and some wild dreams last night. Don't wake up feeling nourished and rested, but I hope that my mood will soon improve and I'll start to lose the anxiety.

I have had a few anxious moments - my "hook" at the moment is work with me imagining all sorts of things, so Xanax and I have made friends again...

Appreciate the tips. It means a lot that people from all over the world reach out to help others.