View Full Version : Sleeping anxiety

05-04-10, 05:46
A few years ago I retired and moved to the country. I'm not an old age pensioner but a disability pensioner, my back was severely damaged in a workplace accident. The country is much cheaper to live in on a disability pension.

However, it's a different life in the bush and your body has to adjust. But I seem to be allergic to something - perhaps a flower or some fauna - because every spring my nose gets runny, then blocks for weeks on end. I've tried everything but only a strong spray seems to keep my nose open, most of the time I have to breathe through my mouth. Sometimes I'm terrified to eat or drink anything in case something gets caught in my throat and I will sufficate like Mama Cass on a sandwich.

It's worse at night....some nights (blessfully not too many) I simply can't go to sleep, worrying that my mouth might shut and I won't be able to breathe. I know this is silly but it happens, especially when my nose is particularly blocked. My doctor has prescribed sleeping tablets but on such nights I don't dare to take them, thinking that my body may want to gasp for air or somesuch and I'm too deeply asleep to breathe through my mouth or perhaps just to open it! On several occasions I stayed up all night worrying and of course I was a write-off the next day.

I have been to a nose-throat-ear specialist who said there was a major problem with my nose in relation to blockage and suggested minor surgery but since then I've had 2 other unrelated operations and doctors will not operate within 6 months of you having an other operation. Has anyone else experienced this?

05-04-10, 19:15
It's not exactly the same but I have a problem which has only developed recently (since my panic attacks have come back) where I feel I cannot get a deep enough breath. I breathe so deeply my breathing seems to gasp/jump at the end of the breath. I then start worrying I am not getting enough oxygen and that the breathing problems might lead to another panic attack. I am sure both yours and my problems are psychological and we probably make them worse by being so aware of them! Are you on any meds that might relax you? Perhaps you should speak to your doctor again as something like diazepam might make you relax enough to take your mind away from the situation.

05-04-10, 22:32
My father had to have nose surgery due to bad sleeping patterns..since he's had it done..he hasn't had any issues sleeping. Maybe you should consider that surgery?

05-04-10, 23:49
Sorry to hear about your problem-sleep is so important.

Have you tried sleeping upright? Sounds worse than it is- upright as in in an easy chair?

Hope you get some zzzzzs soon !