View Full Version : Pounding heart!

05-04-10, 12:04

I was wondering if anyone gets these symptons? I have been been suffering with anxiety for a number of years and these past 2 years it has gotten worse. basically i have all the same symptons as most sufferers but the thing that gets to me the most is my heart pounding whenever i stand up or walk up the stairs or even just stretching! i have to just stop for a second for it to calm down! It doesnt beat fast just really thuds in my chest! I notice my heart beating ALL the time as well. It just worries me that this is all the time and not just when i am feeling anxious. I have had normal tests done like ecg and blood tests chest xray etc but obviously all come up clear! I am too scared to exercise for fear of it happening, sometimes i feel like not getting up because i know it is going to happen! Doc says it is anxiety and/or stress and i want to beleive him!

05-04-10, 13:05
Hi Massy

I do get the pounding, not all the time though. I also get a rushing sensation in my ears that sounds like the sea. It makes me stop and take notice, which is the LAST thing I should do as then I start to panic.

If you're really worried, go back to your doc. It's probably anxiety, but I know it's hard to stop worrying about these things.

05-04-10, 13:11
I was experiencing similar symptoms to you and after a year of being told it was anxiety I have recently been diagnosed with Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia. Might be worth a look especially if you feel it isn't anxiety.

05-04-10, 20:56
Thanks for replying

Im just gonna have to trust the docs but as you all know that is easier said than done! Funny thing is this all started with chest pain but that has gone now, i need to just chill and all will come good i hope!

I did look into POTS but i dont think that is it - my heart rate doesnt go up it just pounds harder - i also suffer from GERD and it does happen when i feel bloated also so maybe this is contributing.