View Full Version : PAnic attacks and anxiety

05-04-10, 13:09
Hi, My name is Irene. I had my first big panic attack 4 months ago (ended up in A and E), never even knew what they were till the doctor told me what was happening to me. My life has never been the same since??? Learning to cope with this ilness, anxiety is a big problem fo me now aslo. If anone can give me advice, pls do......xxxx

05-04-10, 13:10
Hi ialford

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

05-04-10, 13:15
Hi there Irene, you will get lots of help here. Me too, only been suffering with these for about 6 months. But I think if I'm truthful I have had anxiety for many years but it came to a peak with a terrible panic attack about September last year and it terrified me. Dr at first said it was high blood pressure, then 2 lots of meds later and 2 Dr's later was diagnosed with anxiety/panic attacks and put on Citalopram and am feeling much better. Still not quite there yet but oh so much better than I was.

I do hope you find the help that you need, but there is always someone on here that will give you advice, and I have found it very helpful just knowing there are people here who are in the same position that you are. I wish you all the very best.

Jannie x x

05-04-10, 14:11
Hello ialford,

Welcome to nmp :) . You will find lots of support from lovely caring people, which I know will help you cope with your anxiety.

05-04-10, 14:31
Hello and a big welcome Irene. This is a very friendly board and all of us have anxiety and can try and help you and reassure you. I've had anxiety and panic attacks for 23 years ....... one of the first things that helped me was finding out that others have similar, so hopefully reading the links on the left here and posting we can all help each other :)
Take care

05-04-10, 16:11
Hi, My name is Irene. I had my first big panic attack 4 months ago (ended up in A and E), never even knew what they were till the doctor told me what was happening to me. My life has never been the same since??? Learning to cope with this ilness, anxiety is a big problem fo me now aslo. If anone can give me advice, pls do......xxxx

Hi Irene,

Welcome to NMP, I found this site a few months ago and have never looked back...it has helped me so much. Everyone on here totally can relate to how you feel as we are all sufferers too. Sorry to hear you ended up at A&E, when you first start to suffer it can be very over-whelming and you think there is something seriously wrong with you.

I am a sufferer of anxiety and also depression so know how you feel.

Hope you find the help and support you are looking for.

Take care.