View Full Version : Absolutely desperate , on my own , please read .

05-04-10, 13:36
i've woken up today with butterflies in my stomach and just generally feeling really anxious !

I'm not at home at the moment , i'm staying with family in ireland , so i'm in a different country , without my parents and just feeling really scared .

:weep: I don't feel well at all , the pains in my head just won't go away , they've been like this for several weeks now , i wake up with them and they don't get any better . I'm terrified and i feel so alone with this , i'm scared i'm about to die .

i actually think i will drop down dead / pass out of some horrible disease .

just looking for some reassurance . if there was something wrong with me i wouldn't have been suffering for a year without any 'serious' symptoms - which would prove that it's just anxiety right ? But what happens if i've just developed something :weep: omg i'm so scared . i want to go home now , being here is making me so nervous and the last thing i want to do is have a panic attack but the thought of having one out here is making me panic , i can't stop the thoughts!!!!!!!!!

05-04-10, 14:02
Hi OP,
I hope you are feeling a bit better. I do know a lot of what you are feeling. Do you have specific symptoms, my main problem is head pain, so far for 8 weeks solid, I am reluctant to say it but this is the first day in I don't know how long that I am pain free, so far!

Yes being alone is the pits when you feel ill, remember you are not alone a lot of very caring people on this site.
