View Full Version : Help, its all come back and wont stop!

05-04-10, 14:03

I suffered with a very severe anxiety over two years ago, it took me a long time to be okay again, i still had awful days but it was copable and i began to live my life again.

Then suddenly out of the blue, i had a panic attack in the middlle of the night, i tryed to dismiss this and carry on as normal. Then the next night i woke up having the worse panic attack ive ever had, it went on for 2hours until i finally feel asleep. The next day it was as though i had re-wound two years, terrible anxiety, crying, loads of pa's everything has come back and wont stop. Yesterday i stayed in bed, this didnt help, still had pa's even though i was trying to feel safe. Today i got up and tryed to get on with stuff, its sooooo hard though as im feeling so terrible and never seem to feel a break form the symptoms.
My partner is trying desperately hard to help me, and we've just had to tell our young children mummy isnt very well at the moment and it makes her cry as she hates feeling poorly.
Im still on the same 60mg meds i was prescribed 2 years ago, i havent changed anything. Nothing has happened to make this suddenly happen again.
Ive come back on here as i know people understand (was once a big contributor LOL). Has this ever happened to anyone else? If so, how did you get over it? What can i do? Anyone please help, any advice please?
Im so depressed and so frightened, i cant eat, i feel sick, im scared of sleeping as i can wake up panicing.
The thought of making people worry and making them sad again is killing me.
Please someone just help me climb out of this.:weep:

Charlie xx

05-04-10, 16:47
Hey Popsy, I think I replied to your other thread earlier ?! Sorry you are feeling so dreadful, it is a terrifying and debilitating place to be when you are absorbed by the fear and anxiety symptoms you are experiencing. Have you read any books to help you cope with the feelings you are having ?

05-04-10, 18:06
you will be ok, fight it, you know u can, yoy did it before, do it again. It cant hurt you..... Go for long power walks. X

05-04-10, 18:21
Hiya hun

Its a setback they happen to us all i know its is horrible really horrible. Have you read claire weekes she still had panic attacks into her old age but dismissed them by saying dont feel sorry for me they are merely a few chemicals changing in my brain please dont worry this will pass. xxx

05-04-10, 18:42
I am really feeling for you honey! I know how you are feeling... although I'd only come on this site to view posts, I just had to join when I read your post because I know how bad you are feeling! I thought I'd beat the panic attacks a few years ago but they have come back... big time!

They started on the first day of a new job in September and have become gradually worse (although I would say I am perfectly capable of doing the job). 6 weeks ago I went back to the doctor and told her my Seroxat (Paroxetine 40mg) was no longer working and that I was becoming more and more anxious. She immediately changed my meds and took me off Seroxat and put me on 50mg Sertraline. I had terrible symptoms for 2 weeks (which another doctor at the practise told me she thought were the withdrawal symptoms from Seroxat) and was actually having increased anxiety.

They put my dose up to 100mg a week ago and my panic is worse than ever! I am just praying this is a side effect of the increase in dose and that it will get better. "What if this?" and "What if that?" thoughts are going through my head constantly and I am back to having full blown panic attacks 4-5 times a day! It's very hard to be positive at the moment and I am struggling! I am making myself go out but don't even know if that is the right thing. Should I just give in and let my body chill out or should I continue to force myself to go out each day? (even if it's only a walk down the road to the postbox or round the park with the dog!)

The doctor has signed me off work for 2 weeks and even this is causing me stress and anxiety. "What if they try and get rid of me?" "What will the other staff members think of me?" (Yes I had a major attack at work and loads of people witnessed me lose it!) The doctor told me I've beaten it before and I can beat it again but I don't know if I am strong enough this time.

Wishing you all the best - keep in touch!

anx mum
05-04-10, 18:50
hi hun sorry 2 hear your having a rough time again:hugs:. Can really understand how u feel u think ur better then out of blue its back again and knocks u for six. Its never ending but u have to try and be strong things will get better just takes time and lots of support. Like u my panic attacks have been on and off for years. Anytime u want to talk pm me.