View Full Version : colonoscopy tomorrow - scared

05-04-10, 14:08
I am having a colonoscopy and i am really really scared. Originally I went to the doctors because I kept getting small amount of bleeing sometimes when going to the toilet. I had a sigmoidoscopy which revealed nothing except a polyp which was removed. Now because of my age (i am 21) and because of the polyp they are making me have a colonoscopy. I really don't want it i found the sigmoidoscopy completely traumatising. I am a very skinny small girl so found it painful even despite the sedadation and they said i wouldn't remember anything but i remember screaming when the camera went round one of my intestine bends plain as day. I can cope with the pain though but what i cannot cope with is the fear that they are going to perforate my bowel. Last time I got quite a bit of blood a few days after which was traumatic and i was like am i dying am i ok? Went to the doctors which was reassuring and then the blood stopped but I was so scared and I am so scared for tomorrow I just don't want to go through it again and ohhhhhhhhhhhh

05-04-10, 15:28
Hello, hun. I had a colonoscopey in dec 09 and i can tell you it was NO where near as bad as i though it would be. I was petriefied of everything to do with it, from taking the laxative, being sedated, to having the procendure itself and i can tell you now i worried needlessly. If i had to have one again then i would and not even worry. I told the dr i was worried and he used a paediactri camera and was very gentle. I woke up towards the end but was so relaxed, i even asked if i could take some of it home,lol. Hoenstly hun trust me, you will be fine.

Let me know how you got on hun, but please dont worry. xx

05-04-10, 17:06
Alix, nothing to worry about had it done 3 weeks back. I was sedated and couldnt remember a thing. It only took about 20 mins too. Good luck for tomorrow

05-04-10, 18:09
really struggling with the laxatives atm.. like dear god theres pints of it and im drinking so slowly cos its foul :-(

05-04-10, 22:06
The worst part of the test is the prep the day before - once you are through that the test itself is a doddle - when you go tomorrow ask for maximum sedation - I found out a few weeks ago when having an gastroscopy as when I had had my colonoscopy 18 months ago even though they sedated me I could hardly tell and didn't want to be awake having a camera down my throat - I was told that the same sedation is used but the dose is between 1-5 mgs and some Drs only use 1-2 mgs but other use all 5 mgs so i said give me the lot and they did and I didn't know a thing it was wonderful.

they will want to do the full colonoscopy because it is unusual to have polyps at your age and they will want to make sure you don't have any more further in your bowel. discuss this with them after the proceedure as they will be able to explain everything to you then.

You have my sympathy with the prep I had one called fleet that was very aptly named as you had to be very fleet of foot to get to the loo in time:blush: