View Full Version : Student with anxiety problems :(

05-04-10, 14:16
Hi , im just new to this forum , and was wanting to meet other people with the same sorts of feeling.
Ive had deppression and anxiety in times of my life and it dips and goes away then comes back when im feeling fine and least expect it.
I hate it.
At present i am studying nursing away from home at university , and i have been fine for over a year , then suddendly out of the blue two weeks ago , i started gettin feeling of anxiety again and panic not being able to sleep and just getting worked up and hyperventilation and just not wanting to be away from home , i went to the doctor who put me back on anti-depressants , and i was gettin so worked up i had to go home and ive had to go off sick from my course. and when im at home the anxiety isnt half as bad. And yesterday i tried to go back upto where im studying and the feelings overcame me again , and i only lasted a few hours. i feel like such a failare to myself , and my boyfriend who lives up there dosent understand and isnt very supportive , and i dont kno if this is leading to me feeling more anxious, as they isnt 1 perticular thing i can pin point it on i just feeling anxious being anyway up there or thinking about going back. i just want it to end and for me to get better and be happy again.

I would be gratefull for anyone in a simular situation or for any feedback to help me.

05-04-10, 14:57
Hi Becs,

Sorry to hear you are having a hard time of it at the moment. I like you go through stages of depression/anxiety, I can be fine for ages and then an episode rears its ugly head and I end up battling with it all over again...I dont often know the cause either.

What meds do you take hun? and wot dose?

I think that you are right in saying the fact that your boyfriend does not understand is adding to your anxiety. It is hard when someone does not really know how you feel and are not supportive, have you tried talking to him about it?

Do you think it is the fact that you are away from home that causes it? You say it is not so bad when you are at home, thats because that probably where you feel safest. You were o.k when you were first there so ask yourself has anything changed? or is it just because of the way you are feeling that is makingmit seem so difficult.

Have you been taking the meds for long? It may be if you havent then when they kick in you will be able to cope alot better with the whole situation.

I know with myself peronally when I go through one of my episodes, I have to wait until I am strong enough to then face the situation and manage then it just eventually goes away.

Hope you feel better soon....its truely awful what we have to go through at times and I totally sympathise with you hun.

Take care

05-04-10, 15:32
Hi Becs,

Sorry to hear you are having a hard time of it at the moment. I like you go through stages of depression/anxiety, I can be fine for ages and then an episode rears its ugly head and I end up battling with it all over again...I dont often know the cause either.

What meds do you take hun? and wot dose?

I think that you are right in saying the fact that your boyfriend does not understand is adding to your anxiety. It is hard when someone does not really know how you feel and are not supportive, have you tried talking to him about it?

Do you think it is the fact that you are away from home that causes it? You say it is not so bad when you are at home, thats because that probably where you feel safest. You were o.k when you were first there so ask yourself has anything changed? or is it just because of the way you are feeling that is makingmit seem so difficult.

Have you been taking the meds for long? It may be if you havent then when they kick in you will be able to cope alot better with the whole situation.

I know with myself peronally when I go through one of my episodes, I have to wait until I am strong enough to then face the situation and manage then it just eventually goes away.

Hope you feel better soon....its truely awful what we have to go through at times and I totally sympathise with you hun.

Take care
hey i take citalopram 20mg been back on them for about 2 weeks now it feels like a lifetime , and they arent helping that much really. i dont know if i need to give it more time or maybe take sometime else .
Yeah i have tried to talk to my bf and explain , but he just dosent understand really , i know he is worried about me , but he just dosent know what to say to me really. and i have came back home because of the anxiety and he is where i was at university so tht makes me more anxious as soon as i try to go up there i feel anxious and so i feel anxious when im with him up there.

I have had quite a few problems up at university and i sort of just tried to put it to the back of my mind but i dont know know wheather this is it cumin out in a way , and the way i am feeling is making it much more difficult and i just cant cope with being up there.

05-04-10, 15:46
Hi Becs,

2 weeks is not long enough for the citalopram to start working you need to give it at least 4-6 weeks before feeling any benefit.

I think reading your thread, that the problems you have had are maybe starting to come out hence why you feel more anxious at uni then at home.

It must be hard boyfriend there and you home but I think you need to give yourself a bit more time and the citalopram more time to start working then you might be able to face it easier.

Is there anyone you can talk your problems through with as this often helps when you get things you have pushed to the back of your mind out in the open.

I do hope you feel better soon. Take care.

05-04-10, 15:52
Yeah i can talk to my friends and family about my problems , just getting through the day is a struggle atm , i just feel like im up and down all through out the day.

06-04-10, 20:53

Sorry, the anxiety is getting you down. I had panic attacks and hyperventilation when I was doing a course and i was living at home. I think too I was generally pushing myself too hard. For me some sort of gentle exercise in the fresh air (I go cycling) sometimes helps relieve depression and anxiety. Learning breathing techniques to stop me hyperventilating was good and relaxation techniques (tensing then relaxing each muscle) also helped. There should be some stuff on the web about this.

Above all, have you asked your GP about having CBT? This might help too.

Hope you're better soon.