View Full Version : Unevin pulse?

05-04-10, 14:17
Does anyone ever check there pulse an it feels like it's beating then has a second where it stops then goes again? Should your pulse be in perfect rythem? Would love to no your thoughts thanks jay.

05-04-10, 14:21
Hello Jay,
This is perfectly normal. It's an ectopic beat. Not everyone feels ectopic beats but it's common for your heart to have them without you being aware of them. Your heart hasn't actually missed a beat, it catches up by making two beats together hence the pause. They are nothing to worry about. Don't get into the habit of feeling your pulse though because it'll only wind you up and make you more anxious!!
Myra x

05-04-10, 14:32
Thank you for the reply myra am feeling really bad today I gave been great for about 4-5 days an now am worrien again :( thanks for maken me feel a little better
jay. X

05-04-10, 22:16
I have had these every single day for past 20 odd years - was told by cardiologist that only anxious people feel them and normally if a Dr feels them they don't even mention them to the patient as unless you have severe heart disease ( usually in someone over 60) then they are always completely harmless. For your peace of mind you can have a 24 hr ecg which will confirm that you have no heart disease and the ectopics are normal but they are almost normal for an anxious person.