View Full Version : Mantras and Positive reinforcement

05-04-10, 14:25
Mantras and Positive reinforcement, do others find these helpful?

We seem to spend a lot of time saying we are not ill or don't have this or that illness, but would it not make more impact on our subconscious to tell ourselves we ARE well.

How about daily mantras like, every day in every way I am getting better and better and better. You never know we keep telling ourselves we are ill, and causing these symptoms to take over, how about telling ourselves we are well, we are strong, we are great. You never know it may work?


05-04-10, 14:32
Hi Peter...

I think thats a great thread to start..self affirmations..we could create a daily postive post....a d.p.p if you like!:yesyes:


05-04-10, 14:38
Excellent idea, just what my therapist tells me, when I have negative thoughts replace them with something positive. Lets try this and see how we go. Maybe post on here how we are getting on.

Thanks Peter

Jannie x x

05-04-10, 15:02
My therapist gave me the mantra that I havE scientific tests on my side that tell me I'm am fine and every to
e I get a symptom to say it's ok the tests are clear I have science on my side it does help :)

05-04-10, 15:09
Peter what a brilliant thought! I've been doing this myself for a while, every time I have a horrible thought I replace it with a positive thought or answer. I think it would be a great idea to have a thread for daily mantras and positive thoughts. It would really help people to read through them too :) Should we keep doing it through this post or create a new topic and thread?

05-04-10, 15:25
I definitely think mantras work. Or positive sayings. When I suffered from repeated thoughts many years ago I used to repeat something each time it happened and it definitely reassured me and got me through it. I still use it now and again. You are so right:yesyes:
Myra x