View Full Version : Neck pain with stuffy ear, throat drip

05-04-10, 15:33
Hello everyone,

First, I've just got to say that this forum has been a Godsend to me over the past couple of years. I'm nearly *insane* with HA, and when I feel like I'm going completely mad -- usually after a session with Dr. Google -- I come here to search out similar maladies and get -- I hope -- some reassurance.

Now, to to current insanity :)

Last night, before I went to bed, I noticed a slight pain in my neck, on the right side, about where you feel that long muscle when you tense your neck (off to the right a bit from the Adam's Apple). This morning, the pain was a little stronger (probably a 2 on a 10 scale) and it felt like it covered a bit wider of a region. Also, my ear was very, very stuffy and I'd started to get some phlegm discharge at the back of my throat.

As the day's progressed, I *think* the pain is fading some, and I definitely feel like the ear is "opening up" some -- there's this airy sensation in my ear canal, though there's still a sense of blockage.

I'm hoping that this sounds like some sort of a sinus infection to you people? I just recovered from a pretty heavy cold last week -- my wife is still making her way through the same cold.

Once again, thanks for all the passive reassurance this forum has given me over the years.


05-04-10, 20:50
My muscular aches always run alongside a sinus /ear type thing. I get ears that crackle,sometimes feel full and sinus's tender at times.

05-04-10, 20:53
That sound's absolutely right. I just now noticed that if I turn my head from right to left with my jaw clenched, I hear a little "pop" when I get all the way turned. But if I do the same with my jaw open, no pop!

Of course, this isn't doing much good for my sore neck.

There should be a HA-FreakOut meter that tracks how many times a minute you refresh the page to see if you have any replies to your post. I think I'd be at the "Gone Nuclear" stage by now :)


05-04-10, 21:08
:D me too
The complication with my muscle tension is though that if I move a certain way I go dizzy for a few seconds which is the worst part..