View Full Version : fast heart beat

05-04-10, 18:19
ok guys...........as im writing this my heart doing its fast thing

symptoms -

shakey feeling (hearts shaking me)
check the pulse its doing 100 bpm
today its been doing it for over 50 minutes

it happens randomly, i mightnt get it for another couple of weeks again.

anyone experience this?

ive got all the cardio tests coming end of the month.

05-04-10, 18:44
Hiya hun, it is really common with anxiety, attacks of palps can come anytime xx please dont worry they do pass when you dont add fear to them witch only prolongs them xx

05-04-10, 19:07
hey...............and it can last for an hour an half cause my hearts still going fast here?

Veronica H
05-04-10, 20:55
:bighug1:Yes it can last that long anxiety buddy. It is probably a build up of adrenaline. I know it is difficult but try to distract yourself and tune out. This will pass. Mine stayed at 120 for hours once and they sent me home from hospital without being too concerned, but it was uncomfortable as it feels as though you have been running, and it was still 100 the next day.


05-04-10, 21:33
In the past mine's been well over 100 for hours on end during a stressful period. Very tiring but I'm told it's not a problem on its own.

07-04-10, 00:48
When I have had severe panic attacks mine has gone as fast as 180-200 bmp for 20 to 30 minutes until I can calm myself down and it passes. Twice I have had it beating so fast I ended up in the ER and it wouldn't even register on the monitor because it was going too fast. I would try not to worry about it at all because I promise you it's just another part of anxiety and it too will pass.

07-04-10, 10:34

yes i have had this too when i had my first panic attack. mine lasted for bout an hour and half. really scary but it will pass. i had the tingly arms and shaking all over my body with it to. i also felt lightheaded with it. hope this make you feel better.


07-04-10, 23:49
thanks for all the replys guys.............do any of you get it after eating?

shining star
08-04-10, 16:02

ive had and right now have this symptom :mad: it is anxiety....and i also do it get it sometimes after eating, maybe u are nervous about eating the certain foods, or like me, had developed small food intolerances/allergies to certain foods which makes your heart rate increase? try and get it checked out anyways :)

08-04-10, 23:21
I get it all the time. Especially after eating something. I've lost about 20 pounds since I've had the anxiety - partly because I'm not hungry and partly because when I do eat something, even a little bit, my heart rate goes up to around 100. And then I get scared. I have been in the ER a few times panicky with it around 150-160. They say it is panic.

09-04-10, 17:16
thanks again for all the replys : )