View Full Version : Panic attacks and anxiety have returned - need support!

05-04-10, 18:53
I've not had Panic Attacks for a few years (had them on and off for 10 years) but they started again on the first day of a new job in September and have become gradually worse (although I would say I am perfectly capable of doing the job). 6 weeks ago I went back to the doctor and told her my Seroxat (Paroxetine 40mg) was no longer working and that I was becoming more and more anxious. She immediately changed my meds and took me off Seroxat and put me on 50mg Sertraline. I had terrible symptoms for 2 weeks (which another doctor at the practise told me she thought were the withdrawal symptoms from Seroxat) and was actually having increased anxiety.

They put my dose up to 100mg a week ago and my panic is worse than ever! I even wake up panicking in the night. I am just praying this is a side effect of the increase in dose and that it will get better. Will it??? Please post if you have experience of this. Has anyone else has worse side effects when they moved from 50mg to 100mg of Sertraline?

"What if this?" and "What if that?" thoughts are going through my head constantly and I am back to having full blown panic attacks 4-5 times a day! It's very hard to be positive at the moment and I am struggling! I am making myself go out but don't even know if that is the right thing. Should I just give in and let my body chill out or should I continue to force myself to go out each day? (even if it's only a walk down the road to the postbox or round the park with the dog!)

The doctor has signed me off work for 2 weeks and even this is causing me stress and anxiety. "What if they try and get rid of me?" "What will the other staff members think of me?" (Yes I had a major attack at work and loads of people witnessed me lose it!) The doctor told me I've beaten it before and I can beat it again but I don't know if I am strong enough this time.

Anyone who has had similar probs or has advice please post. I am in desperate need of support!!!

05-04-10, 19:14
hi there

you may want to read my post that i left under the next thread down from yours. i went exactly through the same as you - i tied myself in knots re medication/work etc but then i realised that EVERY single anxious thought i had was adding more adrenalin and keeping me in the fear cycle. so every time you think - are my meds going to work/will i loose my job - you are piling your own fear on top of fear so try to decide on one course of action re meds/your job so that you can rest your mind a little. i am starting to come through my setback - have some way to go but doing ok without changing meds/upping dose or anything - just accepting - changing my thoughts to more positive/realistic ones. you can do that too x:bighug1:

05-04-10, 19:35
I've not had Panic Attacks for a few years (had them on and off for 10 years) but they started again on the first day of a new job in September and have become gradually worse (although I would say I am perfectly capable of doing the job). 6 weeks ago I went back to the doctor and told her my Seroxat (Paroxetine 40mg) was no longer working and that I was becoming more and more anxious. She immediately changed my meds and took me off Seroxat and put me on 50mg Sertraline. I had terrible symptoms for 2 weeks (which another doctor at the practise told me she thought were the withdrawal symptoms from Seroxat) and was actually having increased anxiety.

They put my dose up to 100mg a week ago and my panic is worse than ever! I even wake up panicking in the night. I am just praying this is a side effect of the increase in dose and that it will get better. Will it??? Please post if you have experience of this. Has anyone else has worse side effects when they moved from 50mg to 100mg of Sertraline?

"What if this?" and "What if that?" thoughts are going through my head constantly and I am back to having full blown panic attacks 4-5 times a day! It's very hard to be positive at the moment and I am struggling! I am making myself go out but don't even know if that is the right thing. Should I just give in and let my body chill out or should I continue to force myself to go out each day? (even if it's only a walk down the road to the postbox or round the park with the dog!)

The doctor has signed me off work for 2 weeks and even this is causing me stress and anxiety. "What if they try and get rid of me?" "What will the other staff members think of me?" (Yes I had a major attack at work and loads of people witnessed me lose it!) The doctor told me I've beaten it before and I can beat it again but I don't know if I am strong enough this time.

Anyone who has had similar probs or has advice please post. I am in desperate need of support!!!

I had similar experiences when I was first on citalopram, so I would imagine it may take time to adjust to the new dosage you are taking.

If you can manage to go out each day, it may well help distract you from your thoughts. I find that the word games on here can really help distract, especially if you can focus on reaching a particular score.

As your GP said, you will get through this even though it may not seem so at the moment.

And, on the subject of the "what ifs"...I had a 4 hour long dental appointment booked in February. For a few days before I thought so many what ifs. The actual outcome was that the dentist had to cancel my appointment the day before...I hadn't even considered that one!! And it was really a sort of neutral outcome, neither good or bad. It's rescheduled for this Thursday but I'm not going to think any what ifs...they are rarely right!