View Full Version : Pregnancy fears

17-01-06, 19:12
Hiya everyone

I'm really worried at the moment and don't know where to turn and wondered if anyone had any stats that could help?

I'm 10 weeks pregnant with my second child (my first is 18 months)
and i'm really worried about dying after child birth. I don't know how likely this is but it's really making me question this pregnancy, does anyone know how dangerous it is? or is it as risking as driving etc?

Also i've been really worried my baby will be born mentally handicapped because of my anxiety.

This was a planned pregnancy and me keeping suggesting things is really upsetting my partner

Any advice is welcome before i go mad

17-01-06, 19:52
Hi Rachy...

All I can say is that I have been there. I had the same exact fears as you, and I had a first child the same age as well. Its very scary. I just remember being terrified that the baby I was pregnant with would end up leaving my toddler motherless. The truth is that fear is absurd. I actually ready a statistic that the number one cause of death during pregnancy is... MURDER! Not anything health related. As far as anxiety hurting your baby... try to take easy as much as possible... I had a TERRIBLY anxious pregnancy, and my baby turned out just fine. He has actually done everything earlier than my first. So, I wouldnt worry about damage... but just for your own sake try to relax as much as possible. Please PM me if you ever need to talk

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"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance... When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance"

"This too shall pass..."

17-01-06, 19:56
hi rachel i know its hard but stop worring you got through your first pregnancy ok im sure you will have a healty baby the chances of you diying in child birhth are very low so just chill out & get your partner to pamper you hope this helps x

t bennett

19-01-06, 13:24
Hello there Rach,
I thought I would just pop on and try to reassure you a bit about your pregancy fears.I was a midwife for 5 years and before that I worked as a nurse on a neonatal intensive care unit.In all that time I never had any experience of a mother dying in childbirth.It is REALLY rare.Thats not to say it doesnt happen and I can totally understand your anxieties,but modern day antenatal and postnatal care is such that it identifys problems before they happen,so keep that in mind.Try not to let your worrys spoil this special time for you.There is no reason why your baby should be affected by your anxiety either.If you are worried,ask lots of questions at your antenatal check up.No one will think you are stupid,and you will feel much better afterwards.Hope that helps a bit.Feel free to PM me. T xxx

Ma Larkin
19-01-06, 14:17
I agree with Juliet Rach and she is the expert! My 1st baby was born by emergency section due to foetal distress & she spent a few days on the special care baby unit. I suffered from post natal depression & its probably the most traumatic experience i've ever had in my life. When I found out I was pregnant again, I was mortified! I was convinced the same thing would happen again & me & my baby would die. I had the midwife from hell for my 1st birth & when I went into labour the 2nd time I'd convinced myself I was going to get her again, had panic attacks galore until I reached the hospital, panicked that the panic attacks had harmed the baby, was screaming at my husband that the baby had stopped moving then screamed at the midwife that my baby's heart had stopped because I was panicking so much. I was rushed straight through & the baby was fine, had the most wonderful midwife & the birth was a breeze. I couldn't believe i'd let all these thoughts into my head. I went on to have a 3rd baby and that also was a breeze with no panic whatsoever. Please don't panic yourself over this and put the thoughts out of your head. Its very rare that women die in childbirth. You & baby will be closely monitored throughout every step of the way & you'll be fine. Think of the end result. I know you probably feel a bit out of sorts, the early stages of pregnancy were never pleasant for me, hormones all over the place, crying for nothing on top of having depression as well but you will be OK. Les, xx

20-01-06, 15:24
Thanks for all your replies i feel a lot more confident now

Everywhere i look atm there seems to be some horror story but i think i'm starting to realise that this is extreme minorities.

I have my scan date for 3 weeks time so i'm hoping once i see the baby on the scan i'll stop worrying so much

I've also decided to get out a bit more so i don't spend my time thinking to much

Thanks again for all your help and best of luck to all of you