View Full Version : HA Symptons?????

05-04-10, 19:43
Im currently experiencing pain in shins, ankle bone, legs, thighs, arms, hands, backside and elbows, surely this cannot be due to HA. I ache too on my back, shoulders and every now and then get a heavyness feeling in my chest, but all of these symptons are not there constantly, alot of the time, but not all the time. I also keep feeling hot, clamy then cool right down. Also keep getting the odd ache in both armpits. These symtons start my head thinking them I start to self diagnose all manor of cancers. Again, I will make an appointment to see the dr and be told again that its all in my head!!!!

My gf said last night that she does not think that she can go on with me like this. If she leaves I dont know what I will do.

I feel so down with this

05-04-10, 20:29
its normal to feel down with pain your getting ,, it could be caused with anxiety ,,when i was very bad 2 years ago i had pains all over my body ,,hot and cold like ice ,went on for 3 months ,,but in the end found out i had post traumatic stress ,, and thyroid was very low ,you could have a word with your doctor, but it sounds like anxiety..the trouble with this illness is we tend to focus just on ourselves ,,try to let your girlfriend in chat you might be surprised ,it will do you more good than bottling up your feelings ,ps don't think about cancer i was a palliative care nurse dealing with this terrible illness ,,don't worry ,,

sarah jayne
05-04-10, 20:38
Hi, im going through the same. Ive had the same symptoms since before xmas, its driving me mad, everyday im in pain. If u ever need to chat feel free to pm me.
Sarah x

05-04-10, 20:44
Thanks gypsywoman, I really appreciate your comment. As you have experience of cancer can I ask a few questions?

I have had a liver function, kidney function, full blood count, proatrate and throid blood test, all were cleared along with a enscopogy and colonoscopgy. I know that they would not specifically be able to diagnose from these tests along but If I had a cancer would these tests of shown a raised level or something?

Im 39 and been looking at bladder, kidney, lung, bone and lymphoma and convinced I have one of them, though someone did put my mind at ease with the lymphoma, I have been like this since Xmas and lost a few kgs which people are saying is due to anxiety and not eating as much as I use to. I do feel really rough though. Sorry to go on

05-04-10, 20:46
Thanks Sarah I will

05-04-10, 20:46
My joint and muscle aches started about October and they are better some days than others. Looking back through my diaries I see the same thing happended between October and April for several years..So now im thinking that its weather related. Doc once told me that joint and muscular always worse in wet,cold,windy weather.

05-04-10, 21:03
if you have had tests which were normal then i cant see a problem ye your blood count would show something going on ,, blood tests show most abnormality's your blood work seems fine ,blood tests are one way ofseeig if something is going on,ry to stay focused ,,relax nicebottle o wine cuddle up with your gf an listen to some nice music ,he more yu relax th les you will focus on the pain,it will go mine did once i knew it was anxiety .i could deal with it all the best,,,if you are till worriedhave a chat with your docter ,maggie

sarah jayne
05-04-10, 21:20
ive had lots of blood tests and the only one that came back abnormal is my vitamin d, which was very low, which can cause aches and pains. I started on supplements a couple of weeks ago but my doc said they take approx 3 months to get in your system, ive got 2 have my blood checked again and if they arent working ive got to have injections. Have you been tested for vit d ?

06-04-10, 09:52
I`m going back to see Dr this afternoon and will request some more tests and what the tests I have done can tell.

As my symptons started with bladder fullness and blood in my urine, I have just got authorisation from BUPA to see a urologist that I know is very good, though I am not sure whether or not I have to get a referral from the Dr.