View Full Version : 1st time

05-04-10, 19:56
HI! This is my 1st time of logging on.Im glad to have found somewhere to speak to people who are going through what i am. Most times i feel that i am going mad and that nobody understands exactly what im going through.I hate being on my own and get scared and feel anxious but i dont know why, but im not on my own as i have my 11mnth old daughter with me and this is what makes me upset and mad at myself for being like this.I want her to have a normal mum.Ive suffered with anxiety probably for about 10yrs now but other the last year and a half it seems to have got worse.I just want some help or advice and hopefully find someone in my area who i can meet up with.:unsure:

05-04-10, 19:58

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

05-04-10, 20:29
Hey Lisa

Welcome along to NMP! :flowers:

You will get so must support and advice here.

Lovely to meet you from another Lisa lol

Take care

08-04-10, 20:48
what area r u in would love yo meet up

08-04-10, 21:19
Hi lynn.
I live in essex.u?

10-04-10, 00:28
i live in bristol and suffer with gad i am so afraid of the feelings why is noone eles scared

10-04-10, 00:45
Pregnancy takes a huge toll on zinc stores and one can end up with copper overload. Look it it up and see if the symptoms fit. Did you have PND, copper overload is now thought in some scientific circles to be the cause. It is so tough not being able to relax and enjoy being a Mum. lol c

10-04-10, 21:11
thanks for that info i will look it up as ive never heard of that before

12-04-10, 08:30
please is there anyone that can help me im feeling really anxious this morning like most mornings and i just dont know which way to turn i need some help or advice or tips on how to cope i feel like im going to go mad

12-04-10, 08:47
Hi Lisa, Im sorry your feeling so bad this morning, I too started suffering from anxiety after my second child was born. Do you have family close by or friends you could go too, the thing I find in the morning is too get straight up when I awake and get ready anything to distract myself from the awful feelings inside. Have you been to see your GP about this? Please don't feel bad or scared this will always make your anxiety worse even though this is easier said than done :) Take care Julie:)

12-04-10, 09:22
thanks julie. no i moved last year only have my sister in law but she has 2children so she cant always come round i do get up and get ready but as soon as i wake i start to think of the day already and being alone.i feel so alone all the time its horrible dont want to go gp coz dont want tablets