View Full Version : Something to make you chuckle !!

05-04-10, 20:18
Hi all, i have suffered from HA for over a year now and have many symptoms and worries. I convince myself of all sorts, that i am going to have a heart attack, pass out and so on.
About two months ago, i noticed that i was having an uncomfortable pain below my rib on my left side. It was happening everyday, however it was gone when i got up in the morning. I visited my gp and she examined me, and said it was probably due to poor posture but see what it was like in a month or so.
A few weeks ago i was getting changed when my other half mentioned that my bra looked tight around by ribs as i had a red mark where it looked like it was digging in. I had not noticed it as i did not feel uncomfortable. So the next day i loosened my bra and hey presto no more pain !!!.

I had replaced all my bra's with new ones and had been fastening them too tight. It just shows how health anxiety can play with your mind !!

Vanilla Sky
05-04-10, 21:26
Er.. Yes , I can relate to this as its happened to me lol :blush: Oh the joys x

06-04-10, 02:26
Ah Deb this gave me a good laugh because I've done the exact same thing! :)

06-04-10, 08:12
I am convinced the same thing is happening to me but on my right side. I am quite a big busted lass so have my bras from bravissimo that are like mini scaffolding LOL! They do dig in for sure!

06-04-10, 08:36
Lol Oh! The joys of being male :)

one of us

sarah jayne
06-04-10, 10:18
lol x