View Full Version : I Won't Be posting Fior A While But Do Not Think Anything is Wrong

05-04-10, 21:39
Hi all NMP friends, so many to name....I hope you don't think I am letting any of you down and I wish you all well but I will not be posting for a while. Having had a holiday after getting well again I have returned to the site and I don't feel like it is good for me to post as often as I have been. If I am to move forward I need to put my depression behind me on a daily basis and I can't do that if I post as regularly as I have been. I really don't expect that my depression is gone forever but for now it has. I truly and honestly wish you all the very best and I wish I had it in me to support all of you all the time but I regret I can't do it I'm afraid. I only take comfort in the knowledge that for those of you who are still suffering, there are so many other people on here that can help you. Please don't think bad of me, its my way of staying in recovery. I will pop in from time to time so hopefully you will not forget me and I can be of some help to somebody, it just won't be every day. Thank you so much for your support in helping me get better..you are wonderful people.xx

05-04-10, 21:43
Hello Smudger,
I'm so happy that you are happy and can completely understand where you are coming from. You've been through the mill and come out the other end and really deserve happiness and contentment. God bless you and I wish you all the very best.
Myra x:hugs:

05-04-10, 22:04
Thank you Myra. I will pop up some times so don't forget me!

05-04-10, 22:14
hey smudger its pamii.....

great to see your gettin on well and bein happy n all.

gota wish u all the best hun xx

05-04-10, 22:16
Hi Smudger,

Well done :), hope you have very good recovery, and keep up the good work, I will miss ya, look forward to seeing ya when you do come online. All the best.

I wont forget you. thank you for your encouraging words that you have given us.

God Bless You!

Yvonne :hugs:

07-04-10, 12:53
Thanks guys...you are all lovely but I will be back now n again!Goodluck to you all.xx

07-04-10, 13:12
Good luck with everything and hope to see you again soon.

07-04-10, 13:18
Good Luck Smudger :hugs:Its perfectly understandable .You must do what you feel is right for you .Wishing you continued sucess in your recovery .Los of Luv Sue xxx:bighug1:

07-04-10, 13:18
Good luck on your continued recovery journey :hugs:

07-04-10, 13:44
Hello Smudger,

Can't say that Im not disappointed because I am! You are so very supportive but I completely understand why you are doing what you are! I truly hope you continue doing well, you deserve to! Will look forward to your visits! Stay strong!
Thank you for your kind words!
Love Laura xxx

07-04-10, 16:24
Take care of yourself and don't forget to check in from time to time and let us know how you are doing ;)

07-04-10, 19:12
hi Lynne well done on your road to recovery. I understand your reasons for not posting as much. Just pop in when you need to. Take care and very best wishes. EJ.