View Full Version : Why does alcohol make anxiety worse???

05-04-10, 22:30
Does anyone else suffer from heightened anxiety when they have had a drink?

I am fine if I have a few glasses of wine but if I have more and get merry I feel terrible for about 2-3 days, anxiety is sky high, worrying thoughts you know the normal, then I after a few days I feel fine. Is it me worrying or does it happen to other people???


05-04-10, 23:11
Alcohol robs the body of several nutrients, magnesium,B vits, and these are anti stress nutrients. Read about pyroluria, could be the cause of your anxiety. Not mainstream but cures a lot of people, like me lol

05-04-10, 23:23
I feel dreadful after alcohol too, and I think it has something to do with the change in blood sugar level. If I remember correctly, the following day your blood sugar is low, which can make you feel light headed and anxious.

It's worth thinking too about the histamine levels in wine - that can cause anxiety in some people.


Heavens To Betsy
06-04-10, 20:56
I am the same and I stopped drinking a lot over a year ago. Now when I go out I have 3 drinks at the most or sometimes I don't bother drinking at all.

06-04-10, 21:27
Alcohol acts as a depressant so its aftermath can ruin a perfectly good week.

06-04-10, 21:29
Same for me, too. I still drink, but only get drunk on weekends, or when I don't have to leave the house the next day.

06-04-10, 22:51
chrislot sounds right answer, jus to say i get that too after a big drink-one time i hid in my room the whole day gettin panics :/
anxiety and drinking is not new, many people with anxiety disorders become alcoholics as they self medicate, same w/drugs.
the key is moderation....probably :D

07-04-10, 02:36
Alcohol is a depressant...it knocks out serotonin. Alcohol affects the central nervous system and crosses the blood brain barrier and affecting neurons.

People on antidepressants may find their meds do not work as well while drinking alcohol, although a small drink now and then is no big deal

07-04-10, 02:53
Couple of drinks really is what relaxes me. The hangovers don't do me any favours right enough...

07-04-10, 08:24
IM the exact same. I never have more than 3 red wines on special occasions. I never drink shorts or beer anymore and never ever get drunk.. I found that the following day was hell after a night out drinking. I sometimes stop for weeks on end and it does help. Also, cut out caffine.

07-04-10, 10:08
I have cut down on my alcohol in take now because of that, I used to have a bottle of wine on a saturday night, now I don't drink at home and only have a couple of glasses when I go out which isn't often. I really suffered the next day.

07-04-10, 14:28
Alcohol does this to me too. Am OK if I only have a couple but any more and if go to bed feeling a bit merry and it makes me really anxious the next day.

It's a vicious circle, you drink because it does make you feel relaxed at the time but suffer for it.

I had a panic attack at work yesterday and so went out for a few drinks to chill out and had a few more when I got home. I felt great, really relaxed. Result? Awake in the night due to being extremely anxious and off work today as tired/anxious about going in :-(

07-04-10, 15:31
God, I totally agree. Had the best 4 days last wed to sat in months - was so happy. Then went out for a session sat night, have been anxious and tearful eversince. This is the second or third time so have decided that drinking more than a glass ot two of wine with dinner is it. On a night out i'm driving. My body and brain with thank me for it I am sure.... x x x

07-04-10, 15:40
This thread is one of many on here which makes me realise I am not alone and actually what I feel is pretty normal!

07-04-10, 17:56
Thanks guys for your replies.

I have never been good with hangovers but they never took me a week to get over!!! That's how long my anxiety lasts for when I have a drink. I think the best thing is to have a couple and just stop. I wonder if it will always be this way? I do like a good night out :(