View Full Version : The last hurdle

05-04-10, 23:11
Hi everyone, sorry if this is a bit heavy but I have to share my thoughts as it is the final thing that is stopping me from making a full recovery.

I'm coming towards the end of my CBT and to be honest my therapist hasn't done much, it's been me who has done all the hard work which I think is the way it's supposed to be :)

My anxiety is far more manageable now (I don't take medication) and although there are a few dodgy moments here and there I'm overall much calmer, I'm enjoying things more, I can pay attention to things and I can gradually see the old me returning, all fantastic!!

However there is just one thing that just keeps getting to me and I think about it numerous times throughout the day. I now know that I'm not going to die from my anxiety and they are nothing more than sensations BUT when I was pregnant (which is when my anxiety first started) I read something on google that scared the c**p out of me.

I typed in the effects that psychological stress would have on the fetus and it said some awful things which thankfully didn't happen as my 8 month old son is absolutely gorgeous and perfectly healthy but one bit of information said that there was a connection between stress and seriously ill children and women who had suffered from severe and prolonged psychological stress at some point in their lives had children with many health problems. Something to do with it effecting chromosones and making them disappear?? This scares me immensely as I am desperate to have more children and I could not live with the guilt knowing that I was responsible for bringing a child into the world who was seriously ill.

Can anyone put my mind at ease and tell me that they have suffered from anxiety and stress for a long time and gone on to have perfectly healthy children. I've asked my therapist about this but she refuses to reassure me as she says it is just feeding the anxiety cycle and I have to get over it myself without asking for reassurance. Obviously I am finding this very difficult. If I hadn't read this on google I honestly think I would be 100% anxiety free and would probably never have suffered at all in the first place. Bloody google!!!!!

Thank you for any replies, I need to get over this fear really badly!!! x

05-04-10, 23:46
simple answer: Don't worry about it.

There, I just solved all your problems.

Being serious though, you're stressing about the possibility of being stressed and what might happen. All anxiety is, is fear about something that hasn't happened yet. It makes you see how dysfunctional it is. Fear is useful in the present moment, but not in potentials.

Therefore if you don't stress about it, there is no problem to worry about.