View Full Version : Breathing

14-02-04, 09:11
I'm pleased to report a fairly anxiety free New Year so far, but I had a lapse driving home the other night. I suddenly became aware that my breathing seemed shallow and a bit laboured, as if I'd entered a muggy room. Quickly this escalated into the Flirting with Death sensations that we all know and love. Having this mental battle, "You're alright Jim. No, you're about to die", is no fun late night on the motorway at 70mph. I opened the car window and slowed down a wee bit, taking deep breaths and soon was back on solid ground. It was a nasty wee one though, right out the blue. I wondered if maybe I had passed through a change in air pressure that my sensitised body and mind picked up on? After all, it's how barometer's work, detecting changes in air pressure. Maybe I should buy one and put an "imminent panic" label next to "Cloudy, some rain" and "Storms"?


14-02-04, 12:24
Well done Jim

You handled that brilliantly!
It just goes to show you that deep breathing really does help

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx

[:p] Panic Monster & Scatty Eccentric

14-02-04, 16:39
jim,wot can i say..you stopped a panic head on..thats great on its own,but travelling fast as well!

who knows wot may have started it,probably something in the subconscious,testing you..but it lost,and you won..keep positive matey...bryan.

14-02-04, 16:55

I do exactly the same when driving and feel a bit panicky - wind the windows down and take some deep breaths. Also turn the music up loud and start singing along - helps control the breathing.

You controlled it though so well done to you!

Take some Bach's rescue remedy with you in the car in a bottle of water - sip then when you feel panicky ok?


16-02-04, 14:11
Hiya Jim,

I'm glad you have been so well lately. I've had terrible moments 'argueing' with myself, but the way I see it as long as I keep on 'arguing' I'll be fine!!

Take Care