View Full Version : Possible to not realise.....

06-04-10, 00:32
Is it Possible to not realise your 6 months pregnant, i.e. no noticeable weight gain, nothing but a normal stomach i.e. not perfectly flat (whos is!) but not a belly at all either, not feel blatant movements that couldnt be put down to anything else? Im v slim so you'd notice excessive weight gain

I seriously dont think I could possibly be pregnant (virgin but have done er other stuff that could have er got sperm near me) Im just the paranoid type, and have been having periods but theyve always been highly irregular my whole life so cant gague from them as they come when the like (but have had some periods recently)

Mad worry (id classify as a health one). Just been watching that pregnant and didnt know it though show, and has got me wondering lol........ its got to be so remote right?

06-04-10, 00:41
exceptionally rare. I'm sure you can ask most women when they become pregnant. I'm sure it doesn't take long to know.

Rachel W
06-04-10, 01:17
I am sure you are not pregnant. If you are slim and no weight gain after 6 months and also having periods (plus still a virgin), it shouldn't even cross your mind. If you can't let it go, buy a test, but you shouldn't be concerned at all. I must admit that I actually took a pregnancy test when I was still a virgin too, but it had not been six months and I had not had a period (also VERY irregular).

I don't think you have any reason to be worried about this at all.

Take Care.

06-04-10, 12:39
Well I did a test, one of those expensive digital ones that show a positive or negative sign, so I didnt have to panic over whether a line was there or not! It was negative!!! Wooh, havent done the second stick yet tho.

What im wondering now is, how reliable are these tests. I know it says 99.9 on the box but they detect the HCG chemical/hormone right? is this still there at 6 months pregnant as ive read it starts to decline in second trimester

06-04-10, 12:50
It's not so rare as you might think see todays Time's http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/article7088136.ece.

But if you're a virgin it's just about impossible, and the last time it happened in changed the world :)

Take care
one of us

06-04-10, 13:34
Hmm still panicing depsite neg result, anyone know if the test would work at 6 months pregnant?