View Full Version : Intense Rush/Pressure in Head

06-04-10, 02:59
Hi, I am new here so please bear with me...It's very hard to describe the symptoms but I am going to do my best. I have had this happen a few times in the past but never figured out what it was for sure. I can be doing anything or nothing at all and all of a sudden I will get this sudden and very intense pressure in my head. It is almost as if all of the blood in my body rushes to my head and my eyes feel like they are going to pop out of my head and my head is going to burst open. I know it's not really going to but it is very very severe pressure/rush. It usually only last for a few seconds maybe 10 to 15 at the most but it feels like it is more like 10 or 15 minutes. haha It is also as if my hearing dimishes for a few seconds and I am going to pass out but I haven't yet..thank goodness. It is always followed by my heart racing, shakiness, sweating, etc. The norm for me and my panic attacks. I am pretty sure it is because this rush usually catches me off guard and sends me into a full blown panic attack. It is not the head rush you get from sometimes standing up to quickly or from your blood pressure dropping. It is much different and much more intense. Has anyone ever had this and if so can you please describe it to me so I can see if it is similar to what I am experiencing? Is it just an adrenline rush or anxiety?? Just trying to figure out what in the world is causing this to happen?

06-04-10, 13:31
Thank you! I am not glad that you experience it but it does help knowing that someone else knows what I am talking about. It only happens maybe once a month but it is absolutely horrible! I have had almost every other symptom of anxiety but this one is fairly new to me.

06-04-10, 14:28
Hi i get this too, its really uncomfortable. I put mine down to tense face and jaw muscles due to jaw/teeth clenching, if you research TMJ maybe you have other symptoms. I have read alot about TMJ and face pressure is on the list of many. If you would prefer not to look this up as i know this can have a very negative affect on people then let me know and i can send you a message with some info about it. Hope this helps x

06-04-10, 16:52
Thanks Mary. I will look it up. It's almost like every drop of blood rushing to my head for a few seconds. Do you think TMJ could do that? I will look more into it. Thanks again!

06-04-10, 20:14
Yeah i get that feeling, like your eyes could pop out and intense pressure, im pretty sure that is on the list of symptoms, its all to do with muscle spasms and the nerves in your face. Also TMJ mimics sinus problems so i get afterwards like air popping in my nose. I get it sometimes when i bend down to get something but mainly im just sat still and it just comes along. Very annoying and very painful!

07-04-10, 00:41
Oh okay, thanks. I also just read that it could be low potassium causing this symptom. I have had low potassium in the past so I am going to up my intake and see if that helps any.

08-04-10, 02:12
I have had this same thing many times, where I feel the pressure and my hearing diminishes. It is very scary, I know.