View Full Version : Worried All the Time

jane waters
06-04-10, 06:31
Hi my panic and anxiety has returned again. I have had 3 other episodes before, the last time being 5 years ago. This episode started just after christmas this year and I feel I am progessively getting more and more anxious as time goes by. Now I am having panic attacks too. My sleep is basically non existant now and I feel anxious all day long and have no appetite but Im still managing to go about my daily activities. In the past I was prescibed anti-depressants that I found helpful (Dothiepin). Do you think I need these agian? At the moment Im an expat living in Saudi Arabia where my husband is currently working which doesnt make getting a prescription very easy. Im scared I will go mad if I dont get some help.
In need of some advice and support please xx

06-04-10, 06:41
Hi jane waters

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

06-04-10, 13:06
Read about pyroluria, you have some of the symptoms, anxiety, insomnia and loss of appetite. This dx changed my life and I hope it changes yours too.

06-04-10, 14:41

I was informed about the samaritans myself and have just looked on their website. It has a part that says if you live abroad and a website you can go onto for support and maybe a telephone number to talk to someone.So I thought that may give you a little help.
Its awful when you feel low, I feel awful daily and hope to get better.You can too!

jane waters
07-04-10, 11:29
Thank you so much for the tips guys:) This site has lots of really helpful information too. I no longer feel so alone and realise that maybe I'm not going totally crazy afterall.